adafruit / Adafruit-LM4040-Voltage-Reference-PCB

PCB files for the Adafruit LM4040 Voltage Reference
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Adafruit LM4040 Voltage Reference PCB

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How good is your multimeter really? Or maybe your analog converter needs a good reference? Or lets say you want to test your microcontroller's conversion accuracy & precision. If only you had a dependable, high precision, rock-solid voltage reference. Now you know why we made this very cute and useful little breakout board. It has two very high precision shunt-type voltage references with 750 ohm biasing resistors. One is 2.048V (great for 3.3V reference systems) and the other is 4.096 (great for 5V). Both are 0.1% accuracy!

Using is easy, just power with about 5V-12V, or 3V if you want only the 2V reference to work. Then measure the voltage on the output. Note that these are not regulators - you can't power anything off the output. They are for measurements only. For more details, check the LM4040 Datasheet for more information.

PCB files for the Adafruit LM4040 Voltage Reference. The format is EagleCAD schematic and board layout


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Designed by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries. Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike, all text above must be included in any redistribution. See license.txt for additional information.