adalessa / laravel.nvim

Plugin for Nvim to work with laravel projects.
MIT License
280 stars 15 forks source link


Plugin for Neovim to enhance the development experience of Laravel projects

Quick executing of artisan commands, list and navigate to routes. Information about the routes. Robust API to allow you to run any command in the way that you need.



Treesitter, LSP Server (I use and recommend phpactor) fd to look for files as migrations when are created rg ripgrep to look usage of views



return {
  dependencies = {
  cmd = { "Sail", "Artisan", "Composer", "Npm", "Yarn", "Laravel" },
  keys = {
    { "<leader>la", ":Laravel artisan<cr>" },
    { "<leader>lr", ":Laravel routes<cr>" },
    { "<leader>lm", ":Laravel related<cr>" },
  event = { "VeryLazy" },
  opts = {
    features = {
      null_ls = {
        enable = true,
      route_info = {
        enable = true,         --- to enable the laravel.nvim virtual text
        position = 'right',    --- where to show the info (available options 'right', 'top')
        middlewares = true,    --- wheather to show the middlewares section in the info
        method = true,         --- wheather to show the method section in the info
        uri = true             --- wheather to show the uri section in the info
  config = true,

Dotenv is use to read environment variables from the .env file

For nicer notifications I recommend rcarriga/nvim-notify

My lazy configuration for notify is

return {
    config = function()
        local notify = require("notify")
        -- this for transparency
        notify.setup({ background_colour = "#000000" })
        -- this overwrites the vim notify function
        vim.notify = notify.notify


Default config, this can be set on the setup function In this config there are several secitions, like lsp_server which is use to interact with neovim lsp client to look for classes by the name. Currently support phpactor and intelephense as far as I know there are no other php lsp sever.

By default the plugin register several commands like Artisan Composer Npm Sail DockerCompose Yarn and Bun if you don't want them you can use register_user_commands and set it as false.


In adition to the selector for the commands, routes and api, you can use some extras features Route Info Views Completion Routes Completion Route info can be seen in the above screenshots, this allows to see in the controller the route associated to it, and in case that is missing will add a diagnostic error which indicate which method is missing. This also will show error if a route is defined but the method is not defined

Note: using lazy is likely that you will not see at first since the plugin will not load until you call one of the commands, after that it is just picked up

The completions uses none-ls which was previusly know as null-ls. In case you don't want it in your config disable the feature

    features = {
        null_ls = {
            enable = false,

Views and Routes completion works as providing the list of the respective in the php files for the function view and route.


An important part of the plugin is how to show the results of the commands, for this I decide to use nui this allow to easily interact with split and popup You can customize from the size and options. examples can be seen in the default here

Command Options

Of course not all the commands want to be run in the same way. you can specify for example which ui to use, if should skip_args. Can also set nui_opts to define how the ui should display. Also can define options this is usefull for example for make:model you may want to always use the flags -mf

  ["make:model"] = { options = { "-mf" } },


A main part when creating resources like controllers, models, etc you most likely want to open it. Since the laravel commands does not return what was created I base on the type and and provided name to look for the file here is the list that can also be customize to add in case you have custom or from a plugin that you use resources


Running your laravel app has many forms, you can use something like Laravel Herd Laravel Sail Docker Compose or just the good php artisan serve this presents a challange, a fundamental aspect you want to run the command where it should with sail, with in your docker or simple the php native executable. In order to support this there is this configuration

Since you may not want the same configuration for all you projects you can use the env variable NVIM_LARAVEL_ENV define it in your .env file in your project. If you don't se it by default will use auto_discover this will go over each definition and test base on the conditions, if they are meant will use that. In case no configuration matches will try to use the default one.

For the docker compose one also you can use an env variable to define which container will be use to run the commands.


To run Artisan commands you can use :Artisan which will autocomplete with the available artisan command as the terminal

Not sending any arguments will run the Telescope prompt

:Artisan tinker will open the terminal inside of Neovim, with tinker

Any other command will just run and output the result on a new split


You can run shell as tinker will open a new terminal up, down, restart will notify when starting and result will show as notification


install, update, require and remove from the :Composer command

Plugin specific

Laravel cache:clear purge the cache clears the cache for commands. Laravel artisan shows the list of artisan commands and executes it. Laravel routes show the list of routes and goes to the implementation. Laravel related show the list of model related classes, includes observers, policy and relations and goes to the implementation. Laravel test:watch runs the application tests and keep monitoring the changes Laravel history each command is recorded in case you want to run the same again Laravel view-finder This will look for the views that are use in the file and if only one will go to it, in case of more will show a select, in the view will look for the class that uses it Laravel recipes There are some recipes like installing ide helper and running the model and eloquent command. and to install doctrine dbal Laravel health trigger the neovim command :checkhealth laravel

User commands

Is normal that you may want to define custom commands for example you don't want to always have to add the flag --seed to migrate but don't want to overwrite the default artisan command for that you can define custom commands for the different executables and have them list for you check config to see an example you can acces them from the command :LaravelMyCommands or from :Laravel commands



One of the things you may want to change are actions or styles or something related to telescope The picker is require("telescope").extensions.laravel.routes so you can call it and pass the arguments as usual for telescope the same for commands, related and history

Run commands

You may want to run commands of course you can use :Artisan my-command args but you may want to pass nui options and more for that you can use

local run = require ""
run("artisan", {"my-command"}, {})

This will be run in the nui, but you may want to do more plugins like and do something with the output for that you can call the api

local api = require "laravel.api"

Here you can use the methods sync and async I recommend the use of async that will not block the editor but there are cases that you may want to use sync. have in consideration that to avoid hanging the editor there is the default timeout from plenary The response and the value for callback is ApiResponse If you will use them I recommend peek into the code sync I use them a lot as building block for the plugin.

Self promotion

I am Ariel I am a developer and also content creator (mostly in Spanish) if you would like to show some love leave a start into the plugin and subscribe to my Youtube if you want to show even more love you can support becoming a member on Youtube. But just leaving a like or letting me know that you like and enjoy the plugin is appreciated.


I am open to review pr if you have ideas or ways to improve the plugin would be great.