A toolchain for Amazon's DynamoDB <http://aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/>
_ to make
common operations (backup, restore backups) easier. Currently contains:
- backup tables out of DynamoDB with ease.dynamodb-loader
- restore tables dumped by dynamodb-dumper
with ease.All tools are built to work with both the main DynamoDB service and DynamoDB Local so you can test them out, and also move data easily between production and your test environment, or between Dynamo regions.
Install with::
pip install dynamodb_utils
You can get the (hopefully detailed enough) help with e.g.::
dynamodb-dumper --help
To dump a table, with compression::
dynamodb-dumper mytable.name --compress
To dump just a few hash-key values from a table (for example, if you want a restricted subset of data for development)::
dynamodb-dumper mytable.name --compress --hash-keys 101 104 404
To load some compressed dump files on a DynamoDB Local instance running locally on port 3232::
dynamodb-loader mytable.name --host http://localhost:3232 --region localhost --load mytable.name.*.dump.gz
The tools are based upon PynamoDB <https://github.com/jlafon/PynamoDB/>
which is based upon botocore <https://github.com/boto/botocore>
. Therefore,
credentials will be read from one of many places - IAM Role, environment
variables, or a 'boto file'. See the boto documentation <https://boto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/boto_config_tut.html#credentials>
_ for
more details.