adamfoneil / ModelSync

A C# model class and database schema comparison, SQL diff scripting library
MIT License
6 stars 2 forks source link
schema-diff sql-generator sql-script

Note I'm not really updating this anymore. Please see my new iteration of this Ensync.


This is a library for generating and executing SQL diff merge scripts. There are two use cases:

Nuget package: AO.ModelSync.Library


Use DataModel.Compare to generate a diff script from an assembly or database to another database. This example is adapted from this test:

using (var cn = GetConnection())
    var sourceModel = DataModel.FromAssembly(@"c:\users\adam\repos\whatever.dll");
    var destModel = await DataModel.FromSqlServerAsync(cn);
    var diff = DataModel.Compare(sourceModel, destModel);    
    string script = new SqlServerDialect().FormatScript(diff);

Output might look like:

ALTER TABLE [child1] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_child1_parentId]
ALTER TABLE [child2] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_child2_parentId]
DROP TABLE [parent]

Source links: DataModel.FromAssembly, DataModel.FromSqlServerAsync


Use DataModel.CreateTablesAsync to create empty tables as part of a component initialization. For example in my WorkTracker project, I create tables from a couple model classes Job and Error. This CreateTableAsync overload accepts a Func<IDbConnection> through which your database connection is opened.

await DataModel.CreateTablesAsync(new[]
}, GetConnection);

I have another example along these lines in my Dapper.CX Change Tracking stuff, which creates a couple tables from some model classes.


This is a reboot of my SchemaSync project, which had run into issues I couldn't figure out.

The intent is the same: compare data models to generate a SQL diff merge script. The difference from other database diff apps out there is that this can treat .NET assemblies as data sources -- so that you can merge from C# model classes as well as to and from SQL Server databases. This enables you to use a single tool to migrate model changes end-to-end in your application.

The ultimate goal is to provide a GUI app for use as a Visual Studio "external tool" as an alternative to Entity Framework migrations. I never made peace with EF migrations, and have dabbled in alternative approaches for a long time. I believe it's a better dev experience to merge model classes on demand with a GUI tool rather than interrupting flow to write migrations. Besides being an interruption, migrations have their own administrative complications that, like I say, I never found acceptable.

That said, my approach to model sync works best with a shared development database rather than local database copies. This is because the diff scripting is not always perfect, so a little bit of manual intervention may be needed sometimes. By merging to a shared dev database, you minimize the "finesse" needed to accomplish some merges.

Things different this time around:

The forthcoming GUI tool will be closed-source, but the library that powers it, this repo, will remain open source.