adamjmurray / mtk

Music ToolKit for Ruby
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MTK: a Music Tool Kit for Ruby

MTK is a Ruby library and custom domain-specific language (DSL) for generating musical material.

MTK is flexible: You may use the custom music-generating language without writing any Ruby code, or you may avoid the custom language and only program in Ruby, or anywhere in between.


Getting Started

MTK works with Ruby 1.9, Ruby 2.0, and JRuby 1.7+.

JRuby is recommended for Windows users.

  1. Install

    gem install mtk

    Or for JRuby:

    jgem install jmtk
  2. Learn the command-line interface:

    mtk --help

    Or for JRuby:

    jmtk --help
  3. Learn the MTK syntax with the interactive tutorial by running

    mtk -t

    Or for JRuby

    jmtk -t
  4. Check out examples:

  5. Read the MTK Ruby library documentation

About this project

This project is developed by Adam Murray (

It is a free and open source project licensed under a permissive BSD-style license. I simply ask for credit by including my copyright in derivative works.

You can learn more about the development of this project at the development notes page.