adampax / AlloyActionJackson

Action Bar examples using custom Holo themes and Titanium Alloy. It's Time for 'Action'.
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Alloy Action Jackson: It's Time for Action.

A collection of Android Action Bar and custom theming examples for Appcelerator's Titanium Alloy.

Update 8/8/14 -- AppCompat Support

The master version of AlloyActionJackson is now built using the AppCompat library, which is now supported in Titanium since 3.3.0. The main benefit of AppCompat being that we can now run out custom Holo-themed Titanium apps on older devices, including those running 2.3.x and later.

You can still use the guides below to set up your custom themes, just be sure to select 'AppCompat' on both the theme and action bar generators.

Also, Appcelerator now has good documentation for this process, so check it out here.

Building for non-AppCompat (Pre Ti SDK 3.3.0) Themes

This is still possible, just reference the code using the <3.3.0 tag.


See the following posts for more info:




Carl Weathers!