adamthedeveloper / wepay-rails

Collect payments from wepay in your rails application.
MIT License
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Wepay-Rails allows your rails app to accept payments with Wepay.

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To install it, add this to your Gemfile

gem 'wepay-rails'

To create your WepayCheckoutRecord model and migration:

script/rails g wepay_rails:install

This will create 3 files for you, a migration file for a table to hold the checkout results, the model and a wepay.yml.example file. Next run:

rake db:migrate

WepayCheckoutRecord will be updated by wepay's IPN system as changes to the checkout change - such as the status. Wepay-rails handles those IPN notifications for you. You can write observers watching the WepayCheckoutRecord model if you need to have something specific occur when the checkout changes. Also, since a model is created for you, you can also track changes to it's state through state machine or paper trail or some other gem of your liking. Hook up WepayCheckoutRecord how you like.

Modify config/wepay.yml.example to your needs and copy it to config/wepay.yml.

Assuming that you have:

  1. created an account on wepay
  2. created a user to accept the payments
  3. created your application for your account
  4. set your wepay.yml file with the info it needs to talk to the wepay api minus the access_token

You can now get your access token.

To fetch your access_token, open a browser and go to:

Login at the prompt or register. You will be sent back to your app and you should have gotten an access_token. Copy it to your wepay.yml file and restart your app.


I created a controller called finalize_controller and I use it for a landing page when the customer is finished paying their order. The other controller I created is a checkout_controller - I send my customers to it when they click checkout in the cart. Your app is surely different than mine. Do what makes sense to you. For now, here's a small example...

  |_ controllers
    |_ purchase
      |_ checkout_controller.rb
      |_ finalize_controller.rb

Tell wepay-rails where to send the customer after they come back from wepay with a complete payment. Open wepay.yml:

after_checkout_redirect_uri: ""

Create a controller that will send the user to wepay - notice it includes WepayRails::Payments:

class Purchase::CheckoutController < ApplicationController
  include WepayRails::Payments

  def index
    cart = current_user.cart # EXAMPLE - get my shopping cart

    checkout_params = {
      :amount => cart.grand_total,
      :short_description => cart.short_description,
      :long_description => cart.long_description,

    # Finally, send the user off to wepay so you can get paid! - CASH MONEY

Finally, the controller I use for finalizing the checkout - AKA - the controller the user is sent back to after his/her trip back from wepay. A checkout_id is passed in through params so you can access the WepayCheckoutRecord, make a call to wepay to get the checkout info - whatever you want to do (See the wiki for more info on API calls):

class Purchase::FinalizeController < ApplicationController
  def index
    # Fetch the WepayCheckoutRecord that was stored for the checkout
    wcr  = WepayCheckoutRecord.find_by_checkout_id(params[:checkout_id])

    # Example: Set the association of the wepay checkout record to my cart - then, on to order.
    cart = current_account.cart
    cart.wepay_checkout_record = wcr!

    # Convert cart to an order?? Move to observer of WepayCheckoutRecord??
    cart.convert_cart_to_order if wcr.state == 'authorized'

    render :text => "Hooray - you bought some widgets!"

Example of WePay Oauth

For reference, please refer to WePay's documentation on Oauth.


As an example, I have the User model, view, and controller.

I have the following routes for WePay in my `config/routes.rb:

match 'wepay_connect',  to: 'users#wepay_connect'
match 'wepay_auth',     to: 'users#wepay_auth'


The first method that we will hit in this example is wepay_connect in my Users controller:

def wepay_connect
  wepay_gateway =
  redirect_to wepay_gateway.auth_code_url( wepay_auth_path(current_user, only_path: false) )

This will send the user to WePay's /oauth2/authorize uri to start the Oauth flow.

The response is an authorization code, which is used to get the user's access token.

The next method we will hit is wepay_auth:

def wepay_auth
  wepay_gateway =
  access_token  = wepay_gateway.get_access_token(params[:code], wepay_auth_path(current_user, :only_path => false) )
  if current_user.update_attributes(wepay_access_token: access_token, wepay_user_id: wepay_gateway.account_id)
    flash[:success] = "Your WePay account is now connected!"
    redirect_to root_path

Start Oauth

I have this in the view, assuming that a user is currently signed in:

link_to "Connect To WePay", wepay_connect_path

When the user clicks on this link, he will be prompted to start the WePay Oauth flow.

Special Thanks to additional contributers of Wepay-Rails

Contributing to wepay-rails


Copyright (c) 2011 Adam Medeiros. See LICENSE.txt for further details.