adamwynne / twitter-api

Async io interface to all the twitter APIs
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This is a Clojure library for accessing the Twitter API using http.async.client.

It endeavors to implement all Twitter APIs:

It is tested by interacting with the live Twitter API.

Why did I make this library?

Giants upon whose shoulders I have stood


twitter-api is published on Clojars. Add the following to your project.clj's :dependencies:

[twitter-api "1.8.0"]


All of the functions follow Twitter's naming conventions; we convert a resource's path into the function name. For example:

Parameters are uniform across the functions. All calls accept:

All of the API calls return the full HTTP response, including headers, so in most cases you will want to get the response's :body value.


RESTful calls

(ns mynamespace
  (:use [twitter.oauth]
  (:import [twitter.callbacks.protocols SyncSingleCallback]))

(def my-creds (make-oauth-creds *app-consumer-key*

; simply retrieves the user, authenticating with the above credentials
; note that anything in the :params map gets the -'s converted to _'s
(users-show :oauth-creds my-creds :params {:screen-name "AdamJWynne"})

; supplying a custom header
(users-show :oauth-creds my-creds :params {:screen-name "AdamJWynne"} :headers {:x-blah-blah "value"})

; shows the users friends
(friendships-show :oauth-creds my-creds
                  :params {:target-screen-name "AdamJWynne"})

; use a custom callback function that only returns the body of the response
(friendships-show :oauth-creds my-creds
                  :callbacks (SyncSingleCallback. response-return-body
                  :params {:target-screen-name "AdamJWynne"})

; post a text status, using the default sync-single callback
(statuses-update :oauth-creds my-creds
                 :params {:status "hello world"})

; upload a picture tweet with a text status attached, using the default sync-single callback
; (this method has been deprecated by twitter.)
(statuses-update-with-media :oauth-creds my-creds
                            :body [(file-body-part "/pics/test.jpg")
                                   (status-body-part "testing")])

;; upload a picture tweet.
(let [media-id (-> (media-upload-chunked :oauth-creds my-creds
                                         :media "/pics/test.jpg"
                                         :media-type "image/jpeg")
  (statuses-update :oauth-creds my-creds :params {:status "hi!" :media-ids [media-id]}))

;; upload a video tweet.
(let [media-id (-> (media-upload-chunked :oauth-creds my-creds
                                         :media "/vids/test.mp4"
                                         :media-type "video/mp4")
  (statuses-update :oauth-creds my-creds :params {:status "hi!" :media-ids [media-id]}))

Streaming calls

(ns mynamespace
  (:use [twitter.oauth]
  (:require [ :as json]
            [http.async.client :as ac])
  (:import [twitter.callbacks.protocols AsyncStreamingCallback]))

(def my-creds (make-oauth-creds *app-consumer-key*

; retrieves the user stream, waits 1 minute and then cancels the async call
(def ^:dynamic *response* (user-stream :oauth-creds my-creds))
(Thread/sleep 60000)
((:cancel (meta *response*)))

; supply a callback that only prints the text of the status
(def ^:dynamic
     (AsyncStreamingCallback. (comp println #(:text %) json/read-json #(str %2))
                              (comp println response-return-everything)

(statuses-filter :params {:track "Borat"}
                 :oauth-creds my-creds
                 :callbacks *custom-streaming-callback*)

Notes on making API calls


Use leiningen to build the library into a jar with:

$ git clone git://
Cloning into twitter-api...
remote: Counting objects: 167, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (115/115), done.
remote: Total 167 (delta 68), reused 125 (delta 26)
Receiving objects: 100% (167/167), 33.60 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (68/68), done.
$ cd twitter-api/
$ lein jar

Which produces a jar file at target/twitter-api-*.jar.


The tests require that credentials be provided via environment variables with the following names:

export SCREEN_NAME=twitterapibot

Then simply run lein test, which takes about a minute since many of the tests involve calling the Twitter API and waiting for an appropriate response.

If all tests completed successfully, the test output will end with a message like:

Ran 47 tests containing 123 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.


This library made open-source by StreamScience

Follow @AdamJWynne and @StreamScience to save kittens and make rainbows.

Copyright (C) 2011 StreamScience

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.