adamzap / landslide

Generate HTML5 slideshows from markdown, ReST, or textile
Apache License 2.0
2.09k stars 369 forks source link


Landslide generates a slideshow using from markdown, ReST, or textile. It builds off of Google's html5slides template.

The following markdown produces this slideshow.

# Landslide


# Overview

Generate HTML5 slideshows from markdown, ReST, or textile.


Landslide is primarily written in Python, but it's themes use:

- Javascript


# Code Sample

Landslide supports code snippets

    def log(self, message, level='notice'):
        if self.logger and not callable(self.logger):
            raise ValueError(u"Invalid logger set, must be a callable")

        if self.verbose and self.logger:
            self.logger(message, level)


python and the following modules:

Markup Conversion



Install the latest stable version of Landslide with a python package manager like pip:

$ pip install landslide

If you want to stay on the edge:

$ git clone
$ cd landslide
$ python build
$ sudo python install






Or get it as a PDF document if Prince is installed and available on your system:

$ landslide -d readme.pdf
$ open readme.pdf


Commandline Options

Several options are available using the command line:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-c, --copy-theme      Copy theme directory into current presentation source
-b, --debug           Will display any exception trace to stdin
-d FILE, --destination=FILE
                      The path to the to the destination file: .html or .pdf
                      extensions allowed (default: presentation.html)
-e ENCODING, --encoding=ENCODING
                      The encoding of your files (defaults to utf8)
-i, --embed           Embed stylesheet and javascript contents,
                      base64-encoded images in presentation to make a
                      standalone document
-l LINENOS, --linenos=LINENOS
                      How to output linenos in source code. Three options
                      availables: no (no line numbers); inline (inside <pre>
                      tag); table (lines numbers in another cell, copy-paste
-o, --direct-output    Prints the generated HTML code to stdout; won't work
                      with PDF export
-q, --quiet           Won't write anything to stdout (silent mode)
-r, --relative        Make your presentation asset links relative to current
                      pwd; This may be useful if you intend to publish your
                      html presentation online.
-t THEME, --theme=THEME
                      A theme name, or path to a landlside theme directory
-v, --verbose         Write informational messages to stdin (enabled by
-w, --watch           Watch the source directory for changes and
                      auto-regenerate the presentation
                      Comma-separated list of extensions for Markdown
-m, --math-output     Enable mathematical output using mathjax

Presentation Configuration

Landslide allows to configure your presentation using a cfg configuration file, therefore easing the aggregation of source directories and the reuse of them across presentations. Landslide configuration files use the cfg syntax. If you know ini files, you get the picture. Below is a sample configuration file:

theme  = /path/to/my/beautiful/theme
source =
destination = myWonderfulPresentation.html
css =    my_first_stylesheet.css
js =     jquery.js
relative = True
linenos = inline

Don't forget to declare the [landslide] section. All configuration files must end in the .cfg extension.

To generate the presentation as configured, just run:

$ cd /path/to/my/presentation/sources
$ landslide config.cfg


You can use macros to enhance your presentation:


Add notes to your slides using the .notes: keyword, eg.:

# My Slide Title

.notes: These are my notes, hidden by default

My visible content goes here

You can toggle display of notes by pressing the 2 key.

Some other macros are also available by default: .fx: foo bar will add the foo and bar classes to the corresponding slide <div> element, easing styling of your presentation using CSS.

QR Codes

Add a QR Code to your presentation by using the .qr keyword:

.qr: 450|

Presenter Notes

You can also add presenter notes to each slide by following the slide content with a heading entitled "Presenter Notes". Press the 'p' key to open the presenter view.

Registering Macros

Macros are used to transform the HTML contents of your slide.

You can register your own macros by creating landslide.macro.Macro derived classes, implementing a process(content, source=None) method and returning a tuple containing the modified contents and some css classes you may be wanting to add to your slide <div> element. For example:

import landslide

class MyMacro(landslide.Macro):
  def process(self, content, source=None):
    return content + '<p>plop</p>', ['plopped_slide']

g = landslide.generator.Generator(source='')
print g.render()

This will render any slide as below:

<div class="slide plopped_slide">
    <p>my slide contents</p>

Advanced Usage

Setting Custom Destination File

$ landslide -d ~/MyPresentations/presentation.html

Working with Directories

$ landslide slides/

Working with Direct Output

$ landslide -o | tidy

Using an Alternate Landslide Theme

$ landslide -t mytheme
$ landslide -t /path/to/theme/dir

Embedding Base-64-Encoded Images

$ landslide -i

Exporting to PDF

$ landslide -d presentation.pdf

Enabling mathematical notation

Note that this require writing the slides in ReST format as well as
using Docutils 0.8 or newer.

$ landslide slides.rst -m

Enabling Markdown Extensions

See documentation on available Markdown extensions here:

$ landslide -x abbr


A Landslide theme is a directory following this simple structure:

|-- base.html
|-- css
|   |-- print.css
|   `-- screen.css
`-- js
    `-- slides.js

If a theme does not provide HTML and JS files, those from the default theme will be used. CSS is not optional.

Last, you can also copy the whole theme directory to your presentation one by passing the --copy-theme option to the landslide command:

$ landslide -t /path/to/some/theme --copy-theme

User stylesheets and Javascripts

If you don't want to bother making your own theme, you can include your own user css and js files to the generated presentation.

This feature is only available if you use a landslide configuration file, by setting the css and/or js flags:

theme  = /path/to/my/beautiful/theme
source = slides.mdown
css =    custom.css
js =     jquery.js

These will link the custom.css stylesheet and both the jquery.js and powerpoint.js files within the <head> section of the presentation html file.

NOTE: Paths to the css and js files must be relative to the directory you're running the landslide command from.

Publishing your Presentation Online

If you intend to publish your HTML presentation online, you'll have to use the --relative option, as well as the --copy-theme one to have all asset links relative to the root of your presentation;

$ landslide --relative --copy-theme

That way, you'll just have to host the whole presentation directory to a webserver. Of course, no Python nor PHP nor anything else than a HTTP webserver (like Nginx) is required to host a landslide presentation.

Theme Variables

The base.html must be a Jinja2 template file where you can harness the following template variables:

Styles Scope


Original Author and Development Lead




Base Template Authors and Contributors (html5-slides)