adamziel / Redmine-Todo-lists

Basecamp-like todo lists for redmine
MIT License
44 stars 22 forks source link

Unfortunately I am not actively maintaining this plugin. I'd love to accept any Pull Request that makes it better in any way!

Todo Lists for Redmine

This is a quick implementation of basecamp-like to-do lists. Every to-do item is an "Issue" behind the scenes - this way you can track everything in the "Issues" tab: discuss, upload files, and so on.


  1. Ruby 2.x (should work with 1.9 and 1.8 too, however there were some issues reported)
  2. PostgreSQL/MySQL/SQL Server (a few features are missing on SQL server though)
  3. Rails 4.x


  1. Clone this repo to plugins/ directory (so all files are in plugins/redmine_todos)
  2. Really make sure all the files are in plugins/redmine_todos - git clone will clone it to Redmine-Todo-lists by default so you have to rename the directory
  3. Make sure one more time everything is in plugin/redmine_todos :)
  4. Set RAILS_ENV to production (unless you explicitly want to use other environment) by running export RAILS_ENV=production
  5. Run rake redmine:plugins:migrate
  6. Configure the plugin in admin > plugins
  7. Setup per-role permissions in admin > roles (this plugin comes with multiple new types of permissions)

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  1. As you probably noticed - it is really important to put it in the plugins/redmine_todos directory, if you forgot to rename the directory, you should rename it and rerun rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=...
  2. Are there tables missing in your database after the installation? There were some reports that running rake db:migrate and then re-running rake redmine:plugins:migrate may help


Not sure? Check out these screenshots:

  1. Basic view
  2. Adding a to-do
  3. Adding a to-do list
  4. Assigning a to-do list and setting due date
  5. Reordering to-dos



I use a local redmine installation to keep things organized. I created this plugin for myself, but I thought it might be useful for someone somewhere.

By no means I am a rails programmer - this is the first piece of ruby code I ever wrote, and probably there are some horrible mistakes in there. I didn't create this plugin as a perfect example of code for all to see, I created it because I desperately lacked some user-friendly interface for todos management and there was no plugin available for that. If you find any bugs, you are welcome to fork this repo or open a Pull Request.