adapt-it / cordova-fonts

Cordova plugin for enumerating fonts on a mobile device
Apache License 2.0
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cordova cordova-plugin font


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A Cordova plugin that enumerates the fonts installed on the local device, and also provides the name of the default font.

This plugin defines a global Fonts object, which provides access to the fonts installed on the device. The Fonts object is available from the navigator object after the deviceready event fires.

document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {


From the Command line:

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fonts

Config.xml for PhoneGap Build:

<gap:plugin name="cordova-plugin-fonts" source="npm" />

These commands will install the plugin from npm. You can find this plugin up on npm here, or by searching for ecosystem:cordova in the npm registry like this.

Supported Platforms


The Fonts object provides a way to enumerate through the list of fonts installed on the device.


Currently this plugin provides two methods, getFontList and getDefaultFont.



Firefox OS quirks

Firefox OS does not provide an API to access the fonts on the device. The Fonts plugin currently returns a list corresponding to the file found in the mozilla-b2g project (, but it is a hard-coded list and not guaranteed to be correct on any particular version or distro of Firefox OS.


if (navigator.Fonts) {
    console.log("Fonts object in navigator");
        function (fontList) {
            if (fontlist) {
                for (var i = 0; i < fontlist.length; i++) {
                    console.log("Font: " + fontlist[i]);
        function (error) {
            console.log("FontList error: " + error);
} else {
    console.log("Plugin error: Fonts plugin not found (is it installed?)");



Firefox OS quirks

Firefox OS does not provide an API to access the fonts on the device. The Fonts plugin currently returns a hard-coded string for the default font "Fira Sans Regular". See for more information.


if (navigator.Fonts) {
    console.log("Fonts object in navigator");
        function (defaultFont) {
            if (defaultFont) {
                console.log("Default Font: " + defaultFont);
        function (error) {
            console.log("DefaultFont error: " + error);
} else {
    console.log("Plugin error: Fonts plugin not found (is it installed?)");

Internal Development / Unit Testing

(This is only for devs who are developing / debugging the plugin itself)

The cordova-fonts plugin uses the cordova-plugin-test-framework to run unit tests. Complete the following to run through the plugin unit tests:

  1. Use your existing cordova app, or create a new one. You can also use the test project that has already been set up for this over at (just use the instructions listed there instead of the ones below).

  2. Add the cordova-fonts plugin and test / test framework plugins:

    cordova plugin add
    cordova plugin add
    cordova plugin add
  3. Change the start page in your cordova app's config.xml with <content src="" /> or navigate to cdvtests/index.html from within your app.

  4. Build and run the application in an emulator or on the device.