adasarpan404 / stl-javascript

An Open Source Project for STL Javascript
MIT License
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stl-javascript is a javascript library that helps you to use common data structures like stack, queue, priority queue, and circular queue with out any headache. Some of their use cases like binary number conversion, postfix evaluation


Use the package manager npm to install STL-JAVASCRIPT.

npm install stl-javascript

or you can use yarn

yarn add stl-javascript



A stack is a conceptual structure that combines a set of similarities and is based on the principle of end-to-end (LIFO). It is a type of invisible, commonly used data with two main functions, push and pop. Push and pop are made on the very top, which has just been added to the stack. The push function adds an object to the stack while the pop function removes the element from the surface. The stack concept is used to organize and organize memory on computers.

const {stack} = require('stl-javascript')

const stack_example = new stack();

//it will return true because in the starting stack will be empty
// it will return underflow 
stack_example.push(10); // This pushes the number to the top of the stack

console.log(stack_example.pop()) // this will return 30 , because 30 is at the top of the stack
console.log(stack_example.peek()); // this will return 30, because 30 is at the top of the stack 
// this function is for getting top of the stack
console.log(stack_example.printStack())// this will return "10 20"
// This function is used for printing stack


A line is a sequential structure that follows the way certain tasks are performed. The order is First In First Out (FIFO). A good example of a line is any line of customer service where the first-time customer is provided first. The difference between the stacks and the line is minus. In the stem we take out something that has just been added; in line, we delete a newly added item.

const {queue}= require('stl-javascript')
const queue_example = new queue();

console.log(queue_example.isEmpty()) //this will true because queue is empty at starting
console.log(queue_example.dequeue()) // this will return underflow because queue is empty at starting

// this will be used to insert element in queue

console.log(queue_example.dequeue()) // this will return 10 because 10 is at the front of the queue
console.log(queue_example.front()) //this will return 20 because 20 is at the front of the queue
console.log(queue_example.printQueue()) // this will return "20 30 ". 
// this function is used for printing the queue

Priority Queue

Priority Queue is an abstract data type, which is similar to a queue, however, in the priority queue, every element has some priority. The priority of the elements in a priority queue determines the order in which elements are removed from the priority queue. Therefore all the elements are either arranged in an ascending or descending order.

So, a priority Queue is an extension of the queue with the following properties.

Every item has a priority associated with it. An element with high priority is dequeued before an element with low priority. If two elements have the same priority, they are served according to their order in the queue.

const {PriorityQueue} = require('stl-javascript/nonLinear/priorityQueue')

const PriorityQueue_example = new PriorityQueue();

PriorityQueue_example.enqueue('Ram', 1);
PriorityQueue_example.enqueue('Rohit', 3);
PriorityQueue_example.enqueue('Mohit', 2);

console.log(PriorityQueue_example.printPQueue()) // this will print "Ram Mohit Rohit " , elements are ordered due to priority

console.log(PriorityQueue_example.isEmpty()) // this print false
// this function will be used for checking queue is empty

console.log(PriorityQueue_example.front()) // this print front of the queue e.g Ram
console.log(PriorityQueue_example.rear()) // this print rear of the queue e.g Rohit 
console.log(PriorityQueue_example.dequeue()) // this print 'Ram'
// in queue data structure, items are deleted from the front.

Binary Search Tree

Binary Search Tree is a node-based binary tree data structure which has the following properties:

// create an object for the BinarySearchTree
const {BinarySearchTree} = require('stl-javascript/nonLinear/binarySearchTree')
var BST = new BinarySearchTree();

// Inserting nodes to the BinarySearchTree

//          15
//         /  \
//        10   25
//       / \   / \
//      7  13 22  27
//     / \    /
//    5   9  17

var root = BST.getRootNode();

// prints 5 7 9 10 13 15 17 22 25 27

// Removing node with no children

//          15
//         /  \
//        10   25
//       / \   / \
//      7  13 22  27
//       \    /
//        9  17

var root = BST.getRootNode();

// prints 7 9 10 13 15 17 22 25 27

// Removing node with one child

//          15
//         /  \
//        10   25
//       / \   / \
//      9  13 22  27
//            /
//           17

var root = BST.getRootNode();

// prints 9 10 13 15 17 22 25 27

// Removing node with two children

//          17
//         /  \
//        10   25
//       / \   / \
//      9  13 22  27

var root = BST.getRootNode();
console.log("inorder traversal");

// prints 9 10 13 17 22 25 27

console.log("postorder traversal");
console.log("preorder traversal");

Segment Tree

Segment tree is a data structure that stores the information about an array in the form of tree, where each node of the tree represents a certain range of the array and carries the answer of that range. This allows one to answer range queries efficiently and at the same time, carry out faster modifications in the array.

The root node of the segment tree represents the full range of the array whereas the leaf nodes represent individual elements. A node's left child represents the left half of that node's range whereas its right child represents the right half of the node's range. In this implementation of the segment tree, any node that represents a range l to r will carry the sum of the range l to r.

The update function can be used to update the value at a particular index of the array. The query function can be used to obtain the sum of the range of all values from start index to end index, both included.

const {SegmentTree} = require('stl-javascript/nonLinear/segmentTree')
let arr = [15, 25, 10, 8, 22]
let segmentTree = new SegmentTree(arr);
// The segment tree generated for this array
//          80
//         /  \
//        50   30
//       / \   / \
//      40 10 8  22
//     / \    
//    15  25

// Printing the sum of the value from the index 1 to 3, n this case, it is 43

// Updating the value at index 1, setting it to 52

// Updated segment tree
//          107
//         /  \
//        77   30
//       / \   / \
//      67 10 8  22
//     / \    
//    15  52

// Printing the updated sum for the range 1 to 3, now the sum will be 70


PostFix Conversion

use the following code to get the answer of postfix expression

const {postFixConversion} = require('stl-javascript/uses/postfixConversion')
console.log(postFixConversion("235*+8-") //answer will be 9
console.log(postFixConversion(23*+)) //it will return cannot perform postfix expression


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
