add-ons / translations

Workspace for Kodi add-on translators
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Translate #7

Open CastagnaIT opened 4 years ago

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

We would like to request translations for add-on

Mainly it would be appreciated to keep the existing languages up to date, but new translations are always well accepted, thanks to all.

You can find the translations at:

You can submit PRs into my upstream repository here:


Legend Meaning
✔️ Translation complete
⚠️ Missing strings
No longer maintained since a long time
No translations
Language ISO Status Last translators PR
English en_gb ✔️ (Default language)
Bulgarian bg_bg
Bosnian bs_ba
Montenegrin cnr_me
Czech cs_cz ✔️ @Tajnymag
Danish da_dk
German de_de ✔️ @tweimer
Greek el_gr ⚠️ @Twilight0
Spanish es_es ⚠️ @roliverosc
Mexican es_mx
Finnish fi_fi
French fr_fr ✔️ @thombet
Galician gl_es ⚠️ @naciohr
Hebrew he_il ⚠️ @AvivAvital2
Croatian hr_hr ⚠️ @dsardelic
Hungarian hu_hu ✔️ @frodo19
Hindi in_hi
Italian it_it ✔️ @CastagnaIT
Japanese ja_jp ✔️ @Thunderbird2086
Korean ko_kr ✔️ @Thunderbird2086
Lithuanian lt_lt
Latvian lv_lv
Macedonian mk_mk
Norwegian nb_no
Dutch nl_nl ⚠️ @dagwieers, @michaelarnauts
Polish pl_pl ✔️
Portuguese (Brazil) pt_br ✔️ @MediaBrasil
Portuguese (Portugal) pt_pt
Romanian ro_ro ✔️ @tmihai20
Russian ru_ru
Slovak sk_sk
Slovenian sl_si
Serbian sr_rs
Swedish sv_se
Turkish tr_tr ⚠️ @Snn1452
Chinese (simple) zh_cn ✔️ @shaolin-kongfu
Taiwanese zh_tw ✔️ @JuenTingShie

NOTE: Not all past translators have accepted the invitation yet.

Old files dropped due to no longer maintained and missing translators

Finnish (Finland) fi_fi Portuguese (Portugal) pt_pt Slovak (Slovakia) sk_sk If someone wants to resurrect them, on this PR/Commits you can find the old file to update:

cc @add-ons/translators

dagwieers commented 4 years ago

@CastagnaIT We sorted translations by ISO code on purpose as this is how they are listed in a directory listing as well (which makes it easier to update the listing) and related languages are listed together as well. Also the whitespace indentation is more a nuisance than a blessing (as GitHub doesn't use a proportional font for the textbox), and doesn't start wrapping a single line in the textbox (which is problematic as well)

roliverosc-zz commented 4 years ago

I have solved this bug in settings of add-on and other visual errors in settings. The string #30086 was marked what unused in spanish file.

This is my pull request:

Sin título

PD: In general the translation of @boblo1 is correct.

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

@CastagnaIT We sorted translations by ISO code on purpose as this is how they are listed in a directory listing as well (which makes it easier to update the listing) and related languages are listed together as well. Also the whitespace indentation is more a nuisance than a blessing (as GitHub doesn't use a proportional font for the textbox), and doesn't start wrapping a single line in the textbox (which is problematic as well)

after i released addon i will restore the sort order tha space is not problem i will remove

the only think important to me is to keep the separator also after the last column as the md syntax, otherwise it does not conform and breaks the editing

arvvoid commented 4 years ago

Croatian translation sent PR:

dagwieers commented 4 years ago

the only think important to me is to keep the separator also after the last column as the md syntax, otherwise it does not conform and breaks the editing

That is strange, it does not break markdown for me. Markdown does not need a trailing pipe for the last cell. And it doesn't need any trailing pipes if there is no content in the last cells.

See second example at:

tmihai20 commented 4 years ago

Romanian translation here

roliverosc-zz commented 4 years ago

Added new strings from strings.po file of resource.language.en_gb, my pull request ...

tmihai20 commented 4 years ago

I just encountered the first issue because @CastagnaIT did not merge my PR and did a force push. Now whenever I want to do a PR all the previously not merged commits are also showing and he does not want to merge my latest changes because of that. @dagwieers please advise. I do not want to delete my fork as I want to preserve history.

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

@tmihai20 read my reply and learn to use git before judging others

tmihai20 commented 4 years ago

@CastagnaIT I do know how to use git and I avoid force push like the plague. So in order to preserve my changes I have to do all those things (as you adamantly explained). Seems simple enough.

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

you avoid like the plague because you don't understand how these things works

tmihai20 commented 4 years ago

@CastagnaIT please top judging random people you meet on the Internet, I have been more than understanding and I have pointed out there was something wrong. I have never had any issues with any of the things I pushed here. I have added the update.

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

ah now I'm the one judging the others. Rightly you feel offended because someone tried to explain to you how to use things properly

if you put it that way, you're free not to translate this add-on anymore

tmihai20 commented 4 years ago

I was just trying to use the same approach as I did with other projects. We are all trying to help here and keep things simple.

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

if others don't tell you you're making the wrong approach, that doesn't mean you're using tools correctly

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

for the future release not yet planned i am making some changes to English language as requested by some users

if you have other requests/suggest to change some strings let me know with a comment in this PR:

dagwieers commented 4 years ago

@tmihai20 @CastagnaIT Sorry I missed those comments. I assume this is resolved? If not, let me know how I can help.

PS I marked the comments as off-topic. Feel free to remove them if you prefer.

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

it is never been a problem for me i have nothing to add or request

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

Translation update request for 1.3.0

new release is comming on day 17

some tips:

For languages that have been updated less frequently, you will need to make a manual comparison with the English file or check the history of changes to the English file on github

cc @add-ons/translators

roliverosc-zz commented 4 years ago

Pull request for spanish translation, sorry but i'm translating many add-ons all at the same time.

I have two suggestions

  1. In this line... msgctxt "#30062" msgid "Parental controls" msgstr "Controles parentales" ... it wouldn't be better the title "Parent control" > "Control parental" because there is only one.

  2. In this pop-up for parent controls look could be improved

Sin título For example moving the values alternatively up

Control parents
                   [7+]         [16+]
[All public]            [13+]           [18+]
tmihai20 commented 4 years ago

@roliverosc I think the proper English term is indeed "Parental control", I had to look it up and it seems that is the correct term.

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

i can not move up the "points" because the points will change dynamically between countries and regions are not fixed

your point that you add "todos los publ.." does not exist as a value to assign on netflix server, so is not applicable your "Todos los publicos" is indeed all because all ages can watches "7+" contents

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

This is the old Netflix parental control settings of website: image as you can see the title text is same maybe exists some english variations but i used that of the website

roliverosc-zz commented 4 years ago

This is the old Netflix parental control settings of website: image as you can see the title text is same maybe exists some english variations but i used that of the website

You can merget it @CastagnaIT.

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

Translation update request for 1.4.0 new release will be roll out on day 30 (or max day 31 if explicitly requested to wait one more day)

Only small changes for those who have constantly updated the translation you can see the missing strings from Workflow CI status Explained here, see screenshot:


cc @add-ons/translators

dagwieers commented 4 years ago

@CastagnaIT That is great news, but also on short notice :-) I wonder if there's something we can do to get more translators and translations. Things seems to be stagnating at the moment.

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

I just posted in the Kodi forum a request for volunteer translators

I think we need a page where users can talk easily to join the team and ask for information, i think that it would be enough to create a dedicated post in Kodi forum, and insert the link of the kodi post in the homepage of github organization for reference to all new user

tmihai20 commented 4 years ago

I made a PR with new translated strings to Romanian. I would suggest that if any of the existing strings are changed that we are notified, so we can update the translation where it is needed.

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

I will try to remember to make a list but i probably think the next time, i will make the translations to edit directly empty

jotakswe commented 4 years ago

you can see the missing strings from Workflow CI status Explained here, see screenshot: CastagnaIT/


cc @add-ons/translators


If you want people to understand how you mean, then you probably have to explain a little better than how you have now done. Please use a screenshot and number the work order to get where you mean.

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

i will try to do a sequential list, but there is not much to tell

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

@jotakswe try to see now

jotakswe commented 4 years ago


Proposed amendment to the instruction.

Go to the page. Open the "Actions"-page in the top-menu. Select "CI" under "Workflows" in the left menu. On the right appears a list of Jobs, look for the most recent job of the "master" branch (see date/time). Press the 3 dots to the right of date/time, and select "View workflow file". In the job page, select one of the "Add-on testing (x.x)" on the left menu. In the dark status page, open "Compare translations section", should look like the screenshot. Find your language code to see if there is some warning messages. The numbers after "/strings.po:" indicates the row numbers where the error is.

jotakswe commented 4 years ago


Supplement at the end of my proposal for instruction.

If you do not find your language file there, there are no errors to correct, or the language file is missing.

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

Translation update request for 1.4.1 new release will be roll out on day 13

changes are only two new ID can be translated or leave for future versions are no of significant importance

cc @add-ons/translators

tmihai20 commented 4 years ago

I created PR

CastagnaIT commented 4 years ago

Translation update request for 1.6.0 new release will be roll out on day 4

cc @add-ons/translators

tmihai20 commented 4 years ago

PR is waiting to be approved for Romanian translation.

roliverosc-zz commented 3 years ago

Pull request for Spanish Translation:

CastagnaIT commented 3 years ago

Translation update request for 1.7.0 the day of release is not yet established but the changes to translations are completed

I see that some translators have send his PR before i finished the job so you will have to rebase your branch for the last changes

Minor change to Disclaimer text

This change is not visible in the status of check-translations on CI, There are two files to edit:

For help see PR changes:

Thanks cc @add-ons/translators

tmihai20 commented 3 years ago

Pull Request for Romanian translation is available here

CastagnaIT commented 3 years ago

Translation update request for 1.7.1 cc @add-ons/translators

tmihai20 commented 3 years ago

PR 804 is waiting to be merged

CastagnaIT commented 3 years ago

Translation update request for 1.8.0 cc @add-ons/translators

Notice only - Due to unexpected website changes the add-on login is broken, so it is unusable...

Then i have to rollout the release in a faster way if no other problems arise, the release will take place tomorrow (2020/08/20)

i do not ask for instant translations so the missing translations will be considered in the next release Thanks to all

tmihai20 commented 3 years ago

PR 818 with Romanian string has been made

roliverosc-zz commented 3 years ago

About 20 days ago that i make one pull request for spanish translation that it rebut @boblo1. I'm still waiting for @ boblo1 to make his own pull request for the Spanish translation.

CastagnaIT commented 3 years ago

I didn't full understand your sentence in English.

Your old PR is closed, if you want you can reopen it or create a new one.

After various disagreements from the translators parts, i have removed all ES translators from the list.

I'm not going to keep debating these things like on who should keep what, and I'm not going to be a lawyer to judge the sides, these things are apply to everyone:

I don't find these rules hard to apply... I hope for a better future collaboration from all.

dagwieers commented 3 years ago

@CastagnaIT I wanted to finish the Dutch translation, but have been caught up in other work :-/

CastagnaIT commented 3 years ago

@dagwieers no problem when you will have time..

CastagnaIT commented 3 years ago

Translation update request for 1.9.0 cc @add-ons/translators

@dagwieers there is a PR with a new translator in your language, if you do not give any answer i will consider the changes as valid

no other particular note, thanks to all