addisalemseifu / PortofolioMiddleRep

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Mobile Version Portfolio from Figma

This is the 2nd part of the portfolio done depending on "Templet 1" of Figma website. The project is done using five-section tags and sub-tags like div, ul, li, and buttons. The main aim of the project was to duplicate a portfolio file found in Figma. and the duplication process includes replicating all the font styles, font sizes, line heights, box dimensions, and all the margins and padding dimensions.

user instruction

Anyone who wants to use the project can get it on the git hub website using the keyword "PortofolioMobileVersionRep". Then use the following instruction to clone the project and use it.

  1. click on the green button which is labeled "Code" and copy the path for the project.
  2. got to your local command compiler and select a directory that you want your project to be in. and you can do this by using the command "cd" or create a new one using the command "mkdr"
  3. clone the project using the keyword "git clone " which is copied from git hub
  4. create a new branch with the keyword "git branch "
  5. switch your branch to the new branch that you have just created and using the keyword "branch checkout "
  6. now work on the project make changes that you want to make and after making the changes add it to the staging area by using the command "git add " or use the "add ." to add all the edited files at once.
  7. commit the files in the staging area with the command "git commit -m 'put a message here"
  8. push your code to the remote repository using the command "git push origin "

Example of index.html part of the project

html1 Example of style.css part of the project <<<<<<< HEAD rep2_style css Example of the running project



Built With


👤 Addisalem Seifu

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

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📝 License

<<<<<<< HEAD This project is MIT licensed.

This project is MIT licensed.
