addo47 / ExampleBots

Example bots for the AbilityBots API and abstraction
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Example Bots

Your entry point should be the ExampleBot, it showcases most of the features of the AbilityBot.

Don't forget that you can do the following with ANY AbilityBot!


public Ability saysHelloWorld() {
    return Ability.builder()
        .name("hello") // Name and command (/hello)
        .info("Says hello world!") // Necessary if you want it to be reported via /commands
        .privacy(PUBLIC)  // Choose from Privacy Class (Public, Admin, Creator)
        .locality(ALL) // Choose from Locality enum Class (User, Group, PUBLIC)
        .input(0) // Arguments required for command (0 for ignore)
        .action(ctx -> {
          ctx has the following main fields that you can utilize:
          - ctx.update() -> the actual Telegram update from the basic API
          - ctx.user() -> the user behind the update
          - ctx.firstArg()/secondArg()/thirdArg() -> quick accessors for message arguments (if any)
          - ctx.arguments() -> all arguments
          - ctx.chatId() -> the chat where the update has emerged

          NOTE that chat ID and user are fetched no matter what the update carries.
          If the update does not have a message, but it has a callback query, the chatId and user will be fetched from that query.
          // Custom sender implementation
          sender.send("Hello World!", ctx.chatId());


Check out the ExampleBotTest on how you can harness the power of mocked senders!


public void canSayHelloWorld() {
    Update mockedUpdate = mock(Update.class);
    EndUser endUser = EndUser.endUser(USER_ID, "Abbas", "Abou Daya", "addo37");
    MessageContext context = new MessageContext(mockedUpdate, endUser, CHAT_ID);


    // We verify that the sender was called only ONCE and sent Hello World to CHAT_ID
    Mockito.verify(sender, times(1)).send("Hello World!", CHAT_ID);