adefee / paver-palworld-save-editor

GNU General Public License v3.0
34 stars 6 forks source link

Paver: A Palworld Save Editor

A comprehensive and extensible save editor and reporting tool for Palworld, intended to work with any version of Palworld v0.1.2.0 and above. Point it to your save directory (where your Level.sav is) and go!

Paver 2.1.X has been around a while and is generally considered stable and safe to use. That said, I've more recently been busy @ work and with other projects, so at this point I'm no longer actively developing Paver. If you like Paver, feel free to extend it (within the confines of Paver's license).

I've tried to make Paver user-friendly and safety-first (don't write changes if anything goes wrong), but I'll always recommend making a backup of your save before using this tool.

Questions? Bugs? Ideas? Join the Paver Discord

Note: I am not, nor is this project, associated with Palworld or Pocket Pair. I'm just a fan who needed a save editor to better maintain the Palworld servers I host. This is not a commercial project, and the license (GPL-3.0) is intended to help deter commercialization of this project by others.

Key Features

Credit where it's very much due: This project is built on the shoulders of others. Paver uses the palworld-save-tools library by CheahJS to convert saves to JSON and back. Without that tool, I wouldn't have bothered making this. I can't express enough gratitude for the work that went into that library. Thank you, CheahJS!


  1. @cheahjs/palworld-save-tools requires Python 3.9 or newer.

  2. The ijson module for Python is required for the save conversion process, but Paver will attempt to install it for you if you don't already have it.

    • This is not needed if your save files are already in JSON format.
    • If you see errors about ijson, or see an error related to helpers/, you can workaround this by installing ijson yourself. Just open command prompt, type "pip install ijson", and hit enter. Then restart Paver and you should be good!

Getting Started: Run Paver!

1) Install any necessary prerequisites (see above).

2) Download the latest release from from Releases. For most users, you'll want to grab the zip file, which includes an exe and some helper files. Once downloaded, extract the zip file to a location of your choice.

3) Create a config file, or run Paver once to create one for you. The config file is a JSON file that tells Paver what to do. Later, we might have a nice UI to do this for you - but in the meantime, here's a basic example to get you started:

  "gameSaveDirectoryPath": "C:\\path\\to\\your\\save\\directory",

4) Run the executable you downloaded. It will pick up your config file and start working based on what you've added. Check out the Examples to see some common use cases.

Advanced: Running from Source

If you want to run Paver as a Node app, feel free! You'll need to have ateast Node.js installed, and then you can run the following commands to get started:

yarn # Installs dependencies
yarn start # Runs `node .`

For troubleshooting, you may find process.env.DEBUG useful, in addition to some of the config file options.

Config Examples

Basic changes to a single player

Let's give player "Lent" 42 Technology Points and add 10 Stat Points to his HP. Also, make sure he goes to leg day - set his leg size to 0.8.

  "gameSaveDirectoryPath": "C:\\path\\to\\your\\save\\directory",
  "changesToMake": {
    "enableGuardrails": true,
    "world": {},
    "players": [
        "handle": "Lent",
        "techPoints": 42,
        "statusPoints": {
          "health": 10,
        "appearance": {
          "bodyType": "TypeB",
          "hairType": "type12",
          "legSize": 0.5

Note the enableGuardrails option. This is enabled by default, and it will help make sure you don't set something wrong (for example, make sure you don't set legsize to "fdjsklfajs"). If you're confident in your changes, or you want to play with values that go beyond the game defaults (level 100, anyone?), just set this to false.

Generate a read-only report of your save

Easy! Let's take out the changesToMake object and add a reporting object. There's a variety of options available, here's a few:

  "gameSaveDirectoryPath": "./my-awesome-palworld-save",
  "reporting": {
    "export": true,
    "exportPath": "./reports",
    "showSummary": true,
    "showCapturedPals": true,
    "showPlayerData": true,
    "showPlayerUnlockedRecipes": true,
    "showPlayerAppearance": true,

Normally, and by default, you'll want export: true. Setting this false will increase the logs you see in the console, but it won't save any reports to disk (and the report output in the console will be a bit messy).

Level up "Lent" and change his name to "Seraph". Bump Ghost's capture rate, too!

This has a a bit more nuance to it, but also easy! Note that "level" is mostly just a number in Palworld. Your total experience also needs to change, or you'll receive future XP as if you're a different level. For example, if we set level 1 "Lent" to level 40, he'll be 40 but only gain XP as if he's level 1 - meaning going from 40 to 41 will take the same amount of XP as going from 1 to 40.

This is probably not what we usually want, right? No problem - we calculate the exp for you! If you set the level field and do not specify exp, we will calculate and add the exp for you. For those wanting more control or to try things out, you can also set exp yourself and Paver will trust your judgment.

  "gameSaveDirectoryPath": "./my-awesome-palworld-save",
  "changesToMake": {
    "enableGuardrails": true,
    "world": {

    "players": [
        "guid": "e1337m8e-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "handle": "Seraph",
        "level": 35,
        "handle": "Ghostpixel",
        "statusPoints": {
          "captureRate": 9001,

Before we continue, let's talk about names real quick. There are two fields we use for identifying a target user for changes: handle and guid. The former is what you see in-game, and the latter is a unique identifier for the player that doesn't typically change. Most of the time, you can use handle - but if you want to change someone's handle, you'll need to specify their guid, too. If you're not sure what a player's guid is, you can find it in the reports Paver generates.

Pro Tip: If you have multiple players with the same name, Paver will tell you it's indeterminate and will not make any changes to your save - we don't want to modify the wrong player! In such cases, you'll want to specify the guid field of the target player.

Oh, and Ghost's capture rate? It's OVER 9000! Fun fact: We tried 5000 once and he had 100% capture rate with basic spheres on endgame bosses! On a more serious note, astute observers may have noticed that captureRate is inside of Status Points, where we also put HP, weight, stamina, etc. We were surprised, too, but this is how the save file organizes it. In cases like this, we've tried to keep our structure as close to that of the save file as possible so.

Config Options

Below is a list of all currently available options for the config.json file. All fields other than gameSaveDirectoryPath are optional; the values you see below are the defaults (by us or Palword). Below is an example with all currently possible options specified; look below that for a table/list that dives into the purpose of each.

Quick View

  "gameSaveDirectoryPath": "C:\\path\\to\\your\\save\\directory",
  "skipSavJsonConversion": false,
  "cheahJsToolsInstallPath": "./helpers/cheahjs-save-tools",
  "cheahJsToolsVersion": "0.18.0",
  "cheahJsToolsDownloadUrl": "",
  "useCustomDataStorePath": false,
  "cleanUpDataStore": true,
  "reporting": {
    "export": true,
    "exportPath": "./reports",
    "showSummary": true,
    "showCapturedPals": true,
    "showPlayerData": true,
  "changesToMake": {
    "enableGuardrails": true,
    "world": {
      "soon":"Broader world changes will be added here and are coming soon!"
    "players": [
        "guid": "e1337m8e-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "handle": "Lent",
        "level": 42,
        "exp": 123456789,
        "techPoints": 250,
        "ancientTechPoints": 100,
        "unlockedRecipes": [
        "unlockedFastTravels": [
          "soon - fast travels will be added here soon!"
        "countEffigiesFound": 0,
        "currentHp": 50000,
        "maxHealth": 50000,
        "maxStamina": 50000,
        "hunger": 100,
        "sanityValue": 100,
        "isPlayer": true,
        "workSpeed": 100,
        "support": 100,
        "unusedStatusPoint": 0,
        "statusPoints": {
          "health": 0,
          "stamina": 0,
          "attack": 0,
          "weight": 0,
          "captureRate": 0,
          "workSpeed": 0,
        "appearance": {
          "bodyType": "TypeB",
          "torsoSize": 0.5,
          "armSize": 0.5,
          "legSize": 0.5,
          "headType": "type1",
          "hairType": "type1",
          "hairColor": "soon - colors will be added here soon!",
          "browColor": "soon - colors will be added here soon!",
          "bodyColor": "soon - colors will be added here soon!",
          "bodySubsurfaceColor": "soon - colors will be added here soon!",
          "eyeColor": "soon - colors will be added here soon!",
          "eyeMaterialName": "Type001",
        "voiceId": 1,

Options Rundown

Deeper details on each option and what it does will be added here soon.

Planned Improvements & Features

I'll be adding to this list soon (I'm sleepy), but there are quite a lot of things I'd expect to add to this project if people find it useful. Here's a few things I'm thinking about: