adelarsq / vim-emoji-icon-theme

Emoji/Unicode Icons Theme for Vim and Neovim with support for 40+ plugins and 380+ filetypes 🎨💙💛🤍💚
MIT License
87 stars 4 forks source link
blacklivesmatter emoji neovim nowar theme vim

Vim Emoji Icon Theme 🎨

This plugin uses emojis to represent filetypes, signs and symbols for many plugins. So there is no need for overrided fonts.

For filetypes support this plugins extends vim-devicons and kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons, adding support for icons as emojis on Vim and Neovim.

NERDTree with this plugin using material.nvim colorscheme:


Plugins Support 🤗

Icon plugins:

Others plugins:


How to use 🤔

This plugin was tested with:

This plugin depends on vim-devicons or kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons. With this dependency satisfied the plugin should work out of box.

Also the editor will be using Emoji fonts (version 12), so one have to be configured.

For skywind3000/asyncrun.vim you use the Emoji_Icon_Theme_Asyncrun() function to show on the statusline.

How to Add Support for Plugins 🔌

Icons for filetypes are supported by WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol() function from the vim-devicons. So if the plugin use this function the support is already there.

For others configs, like specify symbols for plugins please open an issue request.

Installation 🧙


Add the following lines on the Vim/NeoVim config file:

Plug ''
Plug ''

Or with kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons on Neovim config file:

Plug ''
Plug ''

Then open the editor and install with PlugInstall.


use ''
use ''

Then open the editor and install with PackerInstall.


Add the following lines on the Vim/NeoVim config file:

call dein#add('ryanoasis/vim-devicons')
call dein#add('adelarsq/vim-devicons-emoji')

Or with kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons on Neovim config file:

call dein#add('kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons')
call dein#add('adelarsq/vim-devicons-emoji')

Then open the editor and install with call dein#install().

Motivations 💓

Bugs 🐛

Vim and NeoVim have some bugs rendering emojis in some situations. So some emoji can't be used or need some tweeks.

For NeoVim blend shows emojis behind window or popup. See bug.

Acknowledgments 💡

Thanks goes to these people/projects for inspiration:

License 📜


Self-plug 🔌

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