adevine1618 / KinectSDK-Unity3D_Interface_Plugin

This is a wrapper that allows the user to access Microsoft's Kinect SDK v.1.7 data from inside the free Unity3D game engine. This is a workaround for the problem of Mono not supporting .NET 4.
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                  KinectSDK / Unity3D Interface

                         Andrew DeVine

Thanks for downloading!

The Microsoft Kinect SDK v.1.7 is required for this dll:

Changes (08/16/13):

Since there still seems to be a demand for this, I've revisited it. If you're still getting a 'DLL not found' error after following the setup instructions, make sure the Environment Variable 'KINECTSDK10_DIR' is set guessed it...the Kinect SDK dir.

This hasn't been rigorously tested, so the source is also on Github. You'll probably have to change the build directory.


copy KUInterface.dll to Assets/Plugins

import the C# file into your game, and attach it to a game object.

use the C# functions as you would any other script in Unity.



scaleFactor: scales all joint positions by this number. Do not set to zero.

twoPlayer: set to true to track the maximum of two skeletons. Do not change value while in play.

useRGB: update RGB feed every frame. Set to false if not being used to optimize performance. Do not change value while in play.

useDepth: update depth feed every frame. Set to false if not being used to optimize performance. Do not change value while in play.

displayJointInformation: for visualization of data.

diplayTextureImage: renders RGB feed on-screen.

displayDepthImage: renders depth feed on-screen as reverse-intensity image.




Aug 2013

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