KinectSDK / Unity3D Interface
Andrew DeVine
Thanks for downloading!
The Microsoft Kinect SDK v.1.7 is required for this dll:
Changes (08/16/13):
Since there still seems to be a demand for this, I've revisited it. If you're still getting a 'DLL not found' error after following the setup instructions, make sure the Environment Variable 'KINECTSDK10_DIR' is set guessed it...the Kinect SDK dir.
This hasn't been rigorously tested, so the source is also on Github. You'll probably have to change the build directory.
copy KUInterface.dll to Assets/Plugins
import the C# file into your game, and attach it to a game object.
use the C# functions as you would any other script in Unity.
scaleFactor: scales all joint positions by this number. Do not set to zero.
twoPlayer: set to true to track the maximum of two skeletons. Do not change value while in play.
useRGB: update RGB feed every frame. Set to false if not being used to optimize performance. Do not change value while in play.
useDepth: update depth feed every frame. Set to false if not being used to optimize performance. Do not change value while in play.
displayJointInformation: for visualization of data.
diplayTextureImage: renders RGB feed on-screen.
displayDepthImage: renders depth feed on-screen as reverse-intensity image.
Call GetJointPos(KinectWrapper.Joints joint) to retrieve the given joint's current position as a Vector3 object.
Call the override GetJointPos(int player, KinectWrapper.Joints joint) for player = 1,2 to use two-player mode. The Microsoft Kinect SDK supports a maximum of two players with fully recognized skeletons. To use this, field 'twoPlayer' must be set to 'True'.
Call GetTextureImage() to get the RGB camera's current output as a Texture2D object.
Call GetDepthData() to return the pixel depths as a short[][] array. The coordinate depth[x=0][y=0] corresponds to the top-left corner of the depth camera's viewport.
Call GetCameraAngle() to get the Kinect Camera's current angle from the horizontal as a float.
Call SetCameraAngle(int angle) to set the Kinect Camera's angle from the horizontal. Do not change the camera angle more than once every 30 seconds, as this may damage the motor (A provision to prevent this already exists, do not remove this code). The camera is capable of -27 deg. to 27 deg.
Aug 2013
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