adiktofsugar / grunt-nunjucks-alt

A (in my opinion) more complete nunjucks grunt plugin.
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grunt-nunjucks-alt ...but why?

The grunt-nunjucks task is only for precompiled frontend JS nunjucks templates and I can't find any good, flexible nunjucks grunt tasks at the moment.

This task can compile your nunjucks templates into static files, or precompile (with the precompile option). I've done some pretty complicated things with the file system paths, but not too many weird things with nunjucks itself, so if I've forgotten something important, or if there's an option that would make it worlds easier to use, let me know. (via raising an issue or pull request)

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt 0.4.x or 1.x

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-nunjucks-alt --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "nunjucks-alt" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named nunjucks-alt to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  'nunjucks-alt': {
  options: {
    // Task-specific options go here.
  your_target: {
    // Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.


"nunjucks-alt": { "html": { options: { name: new RegExp("src/pages/(.+?).html"), searchPaths: "src/pages/" }, expand: true, src: "src/pages/*/.html", dest: "target/", }, "js": { options: { precompile: true, name: function (filepath) { filepath = filepath.replace("src/", ""); var filePathParts = filepath.split("/");

      var moduleName = filePathParts.shift();
      filePathParts.splice(0, 2); // to get rid of the "js/templates"

      var rest = filePathParts.join("/")
        .replace(".html", "");

      // return something like "login/views/SuperView" for the template name
      return moduleName + "/" + rest;
    searchPaths: ['src/!(shared)/js/templates', 'target/**/templates']
  expand: true,
  src: "src/!(shared)/js/templates/**/*.html",
  dest: "target/",

  rename: function (dest, filepath) {
    return path.join(dest, filepath.replace("src/", ""));



searchPaths: (String|Array) Default: all directories from your current directory, except node_modules

This is parsed the same way as "src" or "dest". If not specified, it'll use the current directory.

baseDir: (String) Default: (none)

This will effectively strip off the this string from the beginning of a filename before trying to figure out the name.


This is the same as making a name Regex like /media\/js\/(.*)/ EXCEPT that if you don't add a "/" to the end of the baseDir, it's auto appended.

name: (Regex|Function) Default: /.*/

As a regex, name will take all of the patterns you give it and squash it into one Remember a non capturing group is (?:whatever)

As a function, it will get passed the filepath of the file that's being processed, and whatever you return will become the name of the template

data: (Object|Function) Default: {}

This is the data that goes into each template. It's useless for precompiling, but probably the only reason you'd use something like this otherwise.

concat: (Boolean) Default: false, unless precompile is set to true, then it defaults to true too.

This will write all of your outputted template files into one file at "dest", instead of multiple files.

It does not have really cool concat features...for that, you may want to just write it to different files and then use a concat task to put them together.

precompile: (Boolean) Default: false

Also, you can precompile, which is the sole purpose of the grunt-nunjucks plugin. Precompiling is for using nunjucks templates on the server side with a nunjucks library that doesn't have the compiler included.

To this end, the precompiler will convert all your templates into JS and output them in the given directory.

beforeEnv: (function) Default: null

If you define this, you can modify the nunjucks.Environment this task creates before it's used. Example (add 'shorten' filter):

beforeEnv: env => {
  env.addFilter('shorten', (str, count) => str.slice(0, count))