adilnumancelik / sonar

Social network analysis of researchers
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Social Network Analysis of Researchers (SONAR)

Term project BOUN CMPE492 Spring 2021


You can find poster.pdf at the repo root.



Analyzing the relation between researchers in a domain is possible *via representing the authors of papers in that domain by a directed graph (DG). Thus, we can find/visualize the highly influential researchers in a domain.

Please find more details on the project in the project description

Main objectives

The main objectives of this project are:

  1. to construct a network of researchers where the nodes represent the authors of the selected scientific publications.
  2. to analyze the generated researcher network using social network analysis methods to examine the relations between researchers
  3. to develop a tool to search and browse the network in accordance with these relations (e.g. the influencers).
  4. to provide a REST API that makes the results of this analysis available.


