aditidagar / ocular_disease_recog

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Ocular Disease Inteligent Recognition

Introduction: the problem

Ocular diseases are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. A large population suffers from ocular diseases like cataracts, myopia, hypertension and retinopathy. When it comes to treatment, early detection is the key as it can prevent visual impairment. Unfortunately, manual detection is usually very time consuming and there are not enough ophthalmologists for timely detection. Therefore, there has been a growing interest in developing automated detection using machine learning models as it can help revolutionise the early detection of these diseases [1]. Our team is working towards developing such a model using Convolutional Neural Networks and novel preprocessing techniques. We propose a constitutional neural network model that detects 8 different classification groups for 7 different ocular diseases: Normal (healthy), Diabetic, Glaucoma, Cataracts, Age-related macular degeneration, Hypertension, Myopia and other.

The Dataset

We used the Ocular Disease Intelligent Recognition (ODIR-5K) dataset [5]. It contains structured data of 5,000 patients with age, colour fundus photographs of left and right eyes and diagnostic keywords from ophthalmologists. The fundus photographs were captured using various cameras like Canon, Zeiss and Kowa. Majority of the fundus images have 5K resolution. For our model we use subsets of the dataset and in some cases even the complete dataset for training.

Previous efforts referenced

Machine Learning Environment

Our model

Before feeding the ODIR-5k dataset to the ML model, we run the data through a pre-processing and augmentation pipeline. First, we pre-process the training data from the dataset through image enhancement. This is followed by the creating a validation set by randomly sampling 30% of the training data. Afterwards, the training data is augmented to even the distribution of images per-disease. Finally, the data is given as an input to one of the 4 models implemented.


The pre-processing pipeline consists of the following steps:

  1. Deletion of unnecessary data: the dataset contains images which are marked as low quality, or containing artifacts such as camera lense flare. These are removed from the training dataset to prevent them from giving incorrect bias to the ML model.

  2. Appending disease labels to image filenames: In order to simplify the categorization of the data, each disease present in a fundus image is appended to the image's filename. This removes the need for further consulting the .csv file where the image labels are contained.

  3. Image enhancement: Each fundus image is enhanced through a Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) and (HSV) filter to increase the clarity of the image.

  4. Left and right fundus image fusion (optional): each left and right fundus image may be fused together into a single image by horizontally concatenating them or by performing an element-wise sum. After performing the fusion, the old left and right fundus images are removed from the dataset, so that by the end of this step only fused images remain.

  5. Creation of validation set: 30% of the training images are removed from the training set and placed into the validation set.

  6. Image resizing: Each image is resized to 250 X 250 pixels (or 500 X 250, if image concatenation is used as an image fusion method). This allows the model to train against the data at a faster rate, while retaining the important features of the original data.

    Image enhancement

    CLAHE and HSV are always applied to each image, though their parameters randomly vary within a defined range of values.
    Below is an example of a non-enhanced image (left) and the same image after enhancement (right) [5].


    Image fusion

    Two image fusion techniques are implemented: element-wise sum and concatenation. Before the left and right fundus images may be fused together, they are resized to ensure that both images are of the same size.

    • Element-wise sum is performed by summing each pixel from the left fundus image with the corresponding pixel from the right fundus image. Images are represented as Numpy arrays in OpenCV, and summing two Numpy results in an element-wise sum.


Note for each of the models we used pre-trained weights for the model layers due to the fact that it takes too long to train the model from all random weights, and it allows us to focus on improving our solutions.


Results with InceptionV3

Pre-processing methods used 4 diseases accuracy All diseases accuracy
No image enhancement, no image fusion 0.9234 0.5681
Image enhancement, no image fusion 0.9275 0.5647
Image enhancement and concatenation image fusion 0.9381 0.5459
Image enhancement and sum image fusion 0.9094 0.4722

Results with VGG19

Cataracts detection accuracy Diabetic retinopathy detection accuracy Myopia detection accuracy
0.9541 0.8574 0.9791

Results with VGG16

Pre-processing methods used 4 diseases accuracy All diseases accuracy
No image enhancement, no image fusion 0.9291 0.5590
Image enhancement, no image fusion 0.9319 0.5478
Image enhancement and concatenation image fusion 0.9134 0.5066
Image enhancement and sum image fusion 0.8637 0.4659

Results with InceptionResNetV2

Pre-processing methods used 4 diseases accuracy All diseases accuracy
No image enhancement, no image fusion 0.93 0.53
Image enhancement, no image fusion 0.94 0.53
Image enhancement and concatenation image fusion 0.93 0.50
Image enhancement and sum image fusion 0.90 0.45

Note: extra decimal points were not recorded when testing with InceptionResNetV2.

Analysis of Results

For the 4 disease case, InceptionResNetV2 performs best with image enhancement and no image fusion, with an accuracy of 0.94.

For the "all diseases" case, InceptionV3 performs best without any image enhancement or image fusion, with an accuracy of 0.5681.

From the results, the model's accuracy drops dramatically when determining between 4 and all cases. There are a few possible reasons as to why this happens. First, our model is fed data from both eyes simultaneously, so it might not learn enough about the characteristics of the disease for each eye, thus resulting in inaccurate predictions. This could be solved by creating two separate networks that respectfully target left and right eyes [1]. Another reason could be that quite a few diseases look visually the same or have the same noise, thus resulting in wrong predictions and the models learning incorrect information. Another reason could be that there are many cases in the dataset where the images themselves are either zoomed in or shifted a bit, thus creating other errors for the model during learning. Another possible solution could be to modify the CNN architecture's layers (or adding extra layers) to better detect ocular deceases. For example, we could use different pooling for our VGG16 model, add drop out layers or add dense layers at the end of the model.

Additional notes on the results

How to run our model

  1. First you need to run the preprocessing scripts provided in the PREPROCESSING folder. The pre-processing script must be ran first, and then the augmentation script should be ran afterwards. These scripts save everything to your Google Drive, please modify the directory where you want the files to be saved at.

    • Note 1: Running the first cell in the pre-processing script often fails (potentially due to a bug in the latency of Google Colab's filesystem). It is sufficient to simply run it a second time in order for it to succeed.

    • Note 2: There is a fusionMethod variable in the pre-processing and augmentation script that allows you to select which image fusion method is desired (or none). This variable also exists in the models and must be set consistenly across all scripts for the models to run correctly.

  2. In the MODEL folder you will see multiple models allowing for you to run different CNN architectures. The files are split into two main groups, four classes prediction models and all classes prediction models. (Note some models have an examples of how to run the models with our augmented data)

    • Additional note: The VGG19 model currently bypasses our pre-processing and augmentation pipeline, and can be run in it's entirety (downloading the data and training ) through it's own script. The VGG19 model has a seperate script for Myopia, Cataracts and Diabetic Retinopathy
  3. Select one of the models you want to run. Currently there are 4 types of architecture available VGG16, VGG19, InceptionV3, InceptionResNetV2.

  4. When opening one of the pre-processing/augmentation/model.ipynb files there should be a link to run it in Google Colab or you can download the file and run localy.
