aditink / algebraic_simplification_cesar

Egg Heuristics for algebraic simplification used by the CESAR tool.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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This repository uses egg (e-graphs good) to perform algebraic simplification of formulas under assumptions. For example, under the assumptions B>0 and v>=0, it simplifies the formula (B>(2*e+(-2)*p)^(-1)*v^2 or v<=0) and e>p to B*(2*(e-p))>v^2. The tool uses uses the z3 smtlib syntax for formulas.


Written in rust, uses cargo. In linux you can install this with sudo apt-get install cargo. Uses z3-sys, which requires clang. To install this on linux, use sudo apt-get install clang.


To clone the project: git clone

To obtain the binary, run the following commands (meant for linux shell):

git clone
cd algebraic_simplification_cesar
cargo build --release
cd ..
cp algebraic_simplification_cesar/target/release/simplify .
rm -rf algebraic_simplification_cesar

This will produce the executable simplify.

Usage: Binary

Use the produced binary to simplify formula f against assumptions a with the shell command: ./simplify -a <f> <a> For example, ./simplify -a "(and (or (> B (* (^ (+ (* 2 e) (* (- 2) p)) (- 1)) (^ v 2))) (<= v 0)) (> e p))" "(and (> B 0) (>= v 0))" outputs on the commandline the simplified formula (> (* B (* 2 (- e p))) (^ v 2))

Usage: Recompiling

To recompile and then simplify formula f against assumptions a, use cargo run -- -s <f> <a>.

For example, cargo run -- -s "(or (and (= (v) (0)) (distinct (intersection) (x))) (and (> (v) (0)) (or (and (= (v) (vmax)) (or (< (+ (* (* (2) (A)) (intersection)) (^ (v) (2))) (+ (^ (vmax) (2)) (* (* (2) (A)) (x)))) (or (and (> (timeToRed) (0)) (= (+ (* (* (2) (A)) (intersection)) (^ (v) (2))) (+ (^ (vmax) (2)) (* (* (2) (A)) (x))))) (and (> (+ (* (* (2) (A)) (intersection)) (^ (v) (2))) (+ (^ (vmax) (2)) (* (* (2) (A)) (x)))) (or (> (B) (* (^ (v) (2)) (^ (+ (* (2) (intersection)) (* (-2) (x))) (-1)))) (< (* (2) (intersection)) (+ (* (timeToRed) (+ (v) (vmax))) (* (2) (x))))))))) (and (< (v) (vmax)) (or (< (intersection) (x)) (or (and (> (intersection) (x)) (or (> (* (* (2) (B)) (+ (intersection) (* (-1) (x)))) (^ (v) (2))) (< (* (intersection) (v)) (* (v) (+ (* (timeToRed) (v)) (x)))))) (and (> (timeToRed) (0)) (= (intersection) (x)))))))))" "(and (>= v 0) (and (> A 0) (and (> B 0) (and (> T 0) (> vmax 0)))))"

Generating a Binary

To generate a binary, in the folder algebraic_simplification_cesar, run cargo build --release. This creates the ececutable simplify in the folder target.

More Information

This tool was designed to collapse redundant cells resulting from performing quanitifier elimination, but can work for other simplification applications as well. It is used by the CESAR tool.