admin-shell-io / aas-specs

Repository of the Asset Administration Shell Specification IDTA-01001 - Metamodel
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IDTA-01001 - Metamodel of the Asset Administration Shell

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This repository contains the specification of the metamodel of the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) including the normative schemas of the serializations, the rules applied to create them, how the specification is mapped into the serializations, and examples of how to use the schemas.

Industrial Digital Twin Association (IDTA)

Governance of the specification is done in the working group Open Technology of the IDTA

The specification number is: IDTA-01001


The schemas of the Asset Administration Shell for JSON, RDF and XML as well as a XMI and YAML representation of the metmodel are provided in the respective directories. These schemas are derived from the document series, part 1, "Specification Asset Administration Shell" published by the IDTA.


The JSON schema, mapping rules and examples are available at schemas/json/.


The RDF data model, mapping rules and examples are available at schemas/rdf/.


The XML schema, mapping rules and examples are available at schemas/xml/.


The XMI file for the UML metamodel is available at schemas/xmi/.


The following versioning scheme is applied: 'V\.\.\'. Major versions indicate breaking changes while minor updates are backward compatible. The patch position is increased whenever bugfixes need to be applied. The following release contains the latest version of the AAS schemas (see also the releases section of this repository):

Previous releases (deprecated by 3.0.7):


Feature requests, reports about inconsistencies, mistakes etc. are highly welcome! Please submit a new issue.

If you want to contribute, see


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The implementation is based on the specifications of the "Details of the Asset Administration Shell" published on and which is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY-4.0.