adnan333bd / iot-ht2023-data-protocols

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Environment requirements

How to run the docker compose file

Inside /mqtt folder

chmod o+w log/mosquitto.log
chmod 766 -R config
chmod o+wr config/mosquitto.conf

docker-compose up  --build

files will be generated inside /mqtt/log/csv after a minutes or so.

Design of the Simulation

In the simulation scenarios, there are two type of objects - publisher gateway and subscriber gateway. A ‘subscriber gateway’ represents a raspberry PI that only subscribe to messages and ‘publisher gateway’ is another raspberry pi that only publishes messages to a topic.( For simplicity, we defined these two types of gateways)

A publisher gateway with client id pub_1 would be sending message to a topic - ‘pub_1’ (topic name = publisher’s client id) and subscriber gateway with client id sub_1 would subscribe to a corresponding topic ‘pub_1’. This is a one to one message transfer, and suffix of the client id (1,2,3 … ) makes a pairing of the gateways for communication. In implementation, each gateway should be a python object with capability of connecting as a client to an MQTT broker.

One running container called ‘pub container’ with ip address would be acting as a host machine for all publisher gateways. Number of gateways in a test run should be configurable with a single constant in python code. Similarly one container with ip address would host all subscriber gateways (python objects). All gateways will connect to the broker, running in a container with ip address All three containers are in the same network

In a single test run, all messages will be uniquely identifiable, like msg_1, msg_2. This identity will be used to calculate the delivery latency of a message. Each pubisher gateway would be sending n number of messages to a paired subscriber gateway, in a single test run. Value of n should be configurable by single constant in python.


volumes: data: name: "mqtt-broker-data" external: true