adobe / aem-project-archetype

Maven template to create best-practice websites on AEM.
Apache License 2.0
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AEM Project Archetype

Test Maven Central

Maven template that creates a minimal, best-practices-based Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) project as a starting point for your website.





To generate a project, adjust the following command line to your needs:

mvn -B org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:3.2.1:generate \
 -D archetypeGroupId=com.adobe.aem \
 -D archetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype \
 -D archetypeVersion=49\
 -D appTitle="My Site" \
 -D appId="mysite" \
 -D groupId="com.mysite"

Note: Make sure you use at least 3.1.0+ of maven-archetype-plugin (#400)

Note: To run above command with older versions, you have to use the old archetypeGroupId: -D archetypeGroupId=com.adobe.granite.archetype

Available Properties

Name Default Description
appTitle Application title, will be used for website title and components groups (e.g. "My Site").
appId Technical name, will be used for component, config and content folder names, as well as client library names (e.g. "mysite").
artifactId ${appId} Base Maven artifact ID (e.g. "mysite").
groupId Base Maven group ID (e.g. "com.mysite"). This value must be a valid Java package name.
package ${groupId} Java Source Package (e.g. "com.mysite").
version 1.0-SNAPSHOT Project version (e.g. 1.0-SNAPSHOT).
aemVersion cloud Target AEM version (can be cloud for AEM as a Cloud Service; or 6.5.8 for Adobe Managed Services or on-premise).
sdkVersion latest When aemVersion=cloud an SDK version can be specified (e.g. 2020.02.2265.20200217T222518Z-200130).
includeDispatcherConfig y Includes a dispatcher configuration either for cloud or for AMS/on-premise, depending of the value of aemVersion (can be y or n).
frontendModule general Includes a Webpack frontend build module that generates the client libraries (can be general or none for regular sites; can be angular, react or decoupled for a Single Page App that implements the SPA Editor. In the later case the project will be preconfigured to use the AEM as a Cloud Service Frontend Pipeline).
language en Language code (ISO 639-1) to create the content structure from (e.g. en, deu).
country us Country code (ISO 3166-1) to create the content structure from (e.g. US).
singleCountry y Includes a language-master content structure (can be y, or n).
includeExamples n Includes a Component Library example site (can be y, or n).
includeErrorHandler n Includes a custom 404 response page that will be global to the entire instance (can be y or n).
includeCif n Includes CIF Core Components dependencies and generates corresponding artifacts.
commerceEndpoint Required for CIF only. Optional endpoint of the commerce system GraphQL service to be used (e.g.
includeFormscommunications n Includes Forms Core Components dependencies and generates corresponding artifacts.
includeFormsenrollment n Includes Forms Core Components dependencies and generates corresponding artifacts.
sdkFormsVersion latest When aemVersion=cloud and one of includeFormsenrollment=y or includeFormscommunications=y an Forms SDK version can be specified (e.g. 2020.12.17.02).
datalayer y Activate integration with Adobe Client Data Layer.
amp n Enable AMP support for generated project templates.
enableDynamicMedia n Enabled foundation DynamicMedia components in project policy settings and activates Dynamic Media features in Core Image component's policy.
enableSSR n Option to enable SSR for the front-end project
precompiledScripts n Option to precompile the server-side scripts from ui.apps and attach them to the build as a secondary bundle artifact in the ui.apps project. aemVersion should be set to cloud.
includeFormsheadless n Includes Forms Core Components dependencies, and headless artifacts.
uiTestingFramework cypress Testing framework used for generating UI tests (can be cypress or wdio).

System Requirements

Archetype AEM as a Cloud Service AEM 6.5 Java SE Maven
49 Continual 8, 11 3.3.9+

Setup your local development environment for AEM as a Cloud Service SDK or for older versions of AEM.

Known Issues

Security Vulnerabilities

The aem-project-archetype is not considered part of the core AEM product, in that if Adobe updates the archetype to address security vulnerabilities it will not automatically propagate to all the projects created using it. The archetype is rather a template you can use to start a project, essentially copying and pasting code and running some post-processing scripts.

Users of the archetype are responsible for updating the build-time dependencies of their projects created with the archetype to address any security vulnerabilities, including any maven dependencies, maven plugin dependencies, and npm package dependencies. Furthermore, it is important to understand that dependencies (and in particular, maven dependencies) usually describe the minimal API version the code supports at runtime. The dependency versions effectively used at runtime may be newer and not vulnerable. Please always verify any reported vulnerable (transitive) dependencies against the list of bundles deployed at runtime in AEM as a Cloud Services or the currently used Service Pack on AMS or on-prem.

Please continue to report security vulnerabilities to Adobe following the official security policies and procedures docurmented here. Please understand that Adobe uses some third-party dependencies, which it only has partial control over. For such dependencies it is important to report the vulnerabilities directly to the owner or to the contributors of these dependencies. Adobe will update the archetype once the transitive dependencies have been updated, but that may take more time.

In order to update transitive dependencies, please exclude the vulnerable transitive dependency and declare a more recent version within the project. For example:
