Adobe I/O solutions provide opportunities for partners and developers to integrate, extend, or create apps and experiences based on Adobe's products and technologies. Adobe I/O solutions demonstrate these capabilities with working use cases and documentation so that you can follow along and re-create them yourself.
Adobe I/O services include the following:
A central console for creating and configuring integration with Adobe products
Accessible APIs for Adobe products
The Runtime serverless platform, which allows you to quickly deploy custom code to respond to events and execute functions right in the cloud. Adobe I/O Runtime is built on Apache OpenWhisk, an open source project incubating at the Apache Software Foundation.
Use Adobe I/O, Target, Launch, and Triggers to Customize Site Experiences for Repeat Users how to use Adobe I/O Events and Runtime with Launch, Target, and Triggers to customize website experiences for anonymous users who have previously abandoned their carts.
Configure Your Adobe AEM Site for DTM and Analytics guidance on configuring Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) with Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) and Adobe Analytics.
Cross Platform Advertising This solution identifies cart abandonment activity (even for anonymous users) and subsequently targets the user with advertisements on different websites.
Cross Platform Targeting with Adobe Audience Manager This solution identifies cart abandonment activity and subsequently targets the user with customized UI messages.
Send Slack Message for Asset Update with Adobe I/O AEM Events