adonig / aloisius

A Python library to create/update/delete AWS CloudFormation stacks in parallel
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
15 stars 6 forks source link
aws cloudformation library parallelization python

=========== aloisius

.. image:: :target:

.. image:: :target:

.. image:: :target:


aloisius helps you to manage the life-cycle of AWS CloudFormation stacks. It allows you to use outputs from one stack as input parameters to other stacks. There are other tools which allow you to do so, like i.e. Cumulus or Ansible, but I couldn't find one which doesn't require you to use YAML or Jinja2. It is a pure Python library and it is intended to be used in inter-play with troposphere, but you can also use it with any CloudFormation JSON templates.


The BSD 2-Clause License:


aloisius can be installed using the pip distribution system for Python by issuing::

$ pip install aloisius

Alternatively, you can run use to install by cloning this repository and issuing::

python install


A simple example creating a VPC containing an RDS could look like this::

!/usr/bin/env python

from aloisius import Stack import boto3

I keep my troposphere templates as modules in a package.

from templates.vpc import template as template_vpc from templates.rds import template as template_rds

You can set your own boto3 session and override the default. E.g:

aloisius.session = boto3.session.Session(profile_name: "PROFILE")

I normally put some constants and helper functions here.

app_name = 'myapp' region_name = 'eu-central-1' stack_name = lambda x: '-'.join([app_name, region_name, x])

vpc = Stack( StackName=stack_name('vpc'), TargetState='present', RegionName=region_name, TemplateBody=template_vpc.to_json(), )

rds = Stack( StackName=stack_name('rds'), TargetState='present', RegionName=region_name, TemplateBody=template_rds.to_json(), Parameters={

You can use outputs of previously created stacks as parameters.

       'VpcId': vpc.outputs['VpcId'],
       'PrivateSubnets': vpc.outputs['PrivateSubnets'],
       # More parameters here.


You can wait for all of the stacks to finish


Or you can check if they were all applied successfuly

if not aloisius.stacks.success(): exit(1)

Or you can iterate over their outputs

for stack in aloisius.stacks: for key, value in stack.outputs.items(): print "{0}={1}".format(key, value)

Why you shouldn't use aloisius

Why you should use aloisius