adonisjs / v6-docs

Documentation website for AdonisJS v6
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Docs boilerplate

The boilerplate repo we use across AdonisJS projects to create a documentation website. The boilerplate allows for maximum customization without getting verbose.

Why not use something like VitePress?

I have never been a big fan of a frontend first tooling when rendering markdown files to static HTML. I still remember the Gridsome and Gatsby days, when it was considered normal to use GraphQL to build a static website 😇.

With that said, the feature set around rendering markdown feels modern and refreshing with frontend tooling. But, the underlying libraries are not limited to the frontend ecosystem, and you can use them within any JavaScript project.

So, if I have all the tools at my disposal, why not build and use something simple that does not change with the new wave of innovation in the frontend ecosystem?


The docs boilerplate is built around the following workflow requirements.

Folder structure

├── assets
│  ├── app.css
│  └── app.js
├── bin
│  ├── build.ts
│  └── serve.ts
├── content
│  ├── docs
│  └── config.json
├── src
│  ├── bootstrap.ts
│  └── collections.ts
├── templates
│  ├── elements
│  ├── layouts
│  ├── partials
│  └── docs.edge
├── vscode_grammars
│  ├── dotenv.tmLanguage.json
│  └── main.ts
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
└── vite.config.js

The assets directory

The assets directory has the CSS and frontend JavaScript entry point files. Mainly, we import additional packages and the base theme inside these files. However, feel free to tweak these files to create a more personalized website.

The bin directory

The bin directory has two script files to start the development server and export the docs to static HTML files. These scripts boot the AdonisJS framework under the hood.

The content directory

The content directory contains the markdown and database JSON files. We organize markdown files into collections, each with its database file.

You can think of collections as different documentation areas on the website. For example: You can create a collection for docs, a collection for API reference, and a collection for config reference.

See also: Creating new collections

The src directory

The src directory has a bootstrap file to wire everything together. We do not hide the bootstrap process inside some packages. This is because we want the final projects to have complete control over configuring, pulling in extra packages, or removing unused features.

The collections.ts file is used to define one or more collections.

The templates directory

The templates directory contains the Edge templates used for rendering HTML.

The vscode_grammars directory

The vscode_grammars directory contains a collection of custom VSCode languages you want to use inside your project.

See also: Using custom VSCode grammars


Clone the repo from GitHub. We recommend using degit, which downloads the repo without git history.

npx degit dimerapp/docs-boilerplate <my-website>

Install dependencies

cd <my-website>
npm i

Run the development server.

npm run dev

And visit http://localhost:3333/docs/introduction URL to view the website in the browser.

Adding content

By default, we create a docs collection with an file inside it.

As a first step, you should open the content/docs/db.json file and add all the entries for your documentation. Defining entries by hand may feel tedious at first, but it will allow easier customization in the future.

A typical database entry has the following properties.

  "permalink": "introduction",
  "title": "Introduction",
  "contentPath": "./",
  "category": "Guides"

Once you have defined all the entries, create markdown files and write some real content.

Changing website config

We use a very minimal configuration file to update certain website sections. The config is stored inside the content/config.json file.

  "links": {
    "home": {
      "title": "Your project name",
      "href": "/"
    "github": {
      "title": "Your project on GitHub",
      "href": ""
  "fileEditBaseUrl": "",
  "copyright": "Your project legal name"

Creating new collections

You may create multiple collections by defining them inside the src/collections.ts file.

A collection is defined using the Collection class. The class accepts the URL to the database file. Also, call collection.boot once you have configured the collection.

// Docs
const docs = new Collection()
  .db(new URL('../content/docs/db.json', import.meta.url))

await docs.boot()

// API reference
const apiReference = new Collection()
  .db(new URL('../content/api_reference/db.json', import.meta.url))

await apiReference.boot()

export const collections = [docs, apiReference]

Using custom VSCode grammar

You may add custom VSCode languages support by defining them inside the vscode_grammars/main.ts file. Each entry must adhere to the ILanguageRegistration interface from Shiki.

Changing the markdown code blocks theme

The code blocks theme is defined using the Markdown renderer instance created inside the src/bootstrap.ts file. You can either use one of the pre-defined themes or a custom theme.

export const renderer = new Renderer(view, pipeline)

Customizing CSS

The base docs theme makes extensive use of CSS variables, therefore you can tweak most of the styling by defining a new set of variables.

If you want to change colors, we recommend looking at Radix Colors, because this is what we have used for the default styling.

Customizing HTML

The HTML output is not 100% customizable since we are not creating a generic docs generator for the rest of the world. The boilerplate is meant to be used under constraints.

However, you can still control the layout, because all sections of the page are exported as Edge component and you can place them anywhere in the DOM. Do check the templates/docs.edge file to see how everything is used.

Header slots

You may pass the following component slots to the website header.