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windocker: Merge or otherwise mitigate "dubious ownership" remediation #3713

Closed sxa closed 2 weeks ago

sxa commented 1 month ago

I have not yet been able to identify 100% when the scenario occurs, but I've seen it in two places. One on the host system, and one just before the git clean -fdx operation in the pipelines.

I suspect the problems we're seeing are caused by the Windows SID (User ID) on the host and container being different which causes git to think the directories and files are owned by someone else. This can be mitigated by a .gitconfig file which is stored in the location pointed to by the HOME environment variable (Currently C:\jw which is volume mounted inside the build containers):

        directory  *

This was not always working when I had it set to a more specific location such as /cygwin64/c/jw/workspace/build-scripts/jdk21u/windbld hence the current use of the * wildcard.

Note that this still does not appear to be working in all situations - potentially when a new docker images is created and a new SID is defined which affects the ownership of the .gitconfig itself, but this is just speculation and requires further investigation.

The .gitconfig change is not always working, so I have been running the windbld job from a pipelines branch that has a git config change to add the directory explicitly before the git clean -fdx, although I've also seen the same error earlier in the process (while it us doing work on the workspace on the host before the docker container).

sxa commented 3 weeks ago

The attempt to use .gitconfig in C:\jw isn't working. If Iissue a git config --global -l from within the workflow I get a failure:

12:22:29  + git config --global -l
12:22:29  fatal: unable to read config file '/cygdrive/c/jw/.gitconfig': No such file or directory

If I issue that immediately after adding a parameter with git config then it shows the correct value so it's using a git configuration from elsewhere at that point.

If I move it out of the way then it fails earlier in the pipeline:

12:47:36  [CHECKOUT] Checking out User Pipelines : windows_docker_support
[Pipeline] checkout
12:47:36  The recommended git tool is: git
12:47:36  No credentials specified
12:47:36  Warning: JENKINS-30600: special launcher org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.workflow.WithContainerStep$Decorator$1@1f132a55; decorates hudson.plugins.cygpath.CygpathLauncherDecorator$1@cef8bfd will be ignored (a typical symptom is the Git executable not being run inside a designated container)
12:47:36  Cloning the remote Git repository
12:47:36  ERROR: Error cloning remote repo 'origin'
12:47:36  hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Command "git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" returned status code 128:

So for now it seems that this gitconfig file, and whatever it's using when I explicitly add in the setting, are both required, so I'll leave both in place. Note that before I set the options I have configured that the HOME variable is set to the jw directory via a sh -c set command.

sxa commented 2 weeks ago

The current jobs are failing to remove some of the files after the build. Suspect they're being extracted via the host system and then deletion is attempted in the container which is failing:

18:29:42  Cleaning workspace non-hidden files: C:/workspace/openjdk-build/*
[Pipeline] sh
18:29:44  + rm -rf C:/workspace/openjdk-build/ C:/workspace/openjdk-build/ C:/workspace/openjdk-build/LICENSE C:/workspace/openjdk-build/NOTICE C:/workspace/openjdk-build/ C:/workspace/openjdk-build/cyclonedx-lib C:/workspace/openjdk-build/docs C:/workspace/openjdk-build/pipelines C:/workspace/openjdk-build/tools C:/workspace/openjdk-build/workspace
18:29:44  rm: cannot remove 'C:/workspace/openjdk-build/': Permission denied
18:29:44  rm: cannot remove 'C:/workspace/openjdk-build/': Permission denied
18:29:44  rm: cannot remove 'C:/workspace/openjdk-build/LICENSE': Permission denied
18:29:44  rm: cannot remove 'C:/workspace/openjdk-build/NOTICE': Permission denied
18:29:44  rm: cannot remove 'C:/workspace/openjdk-build/': Permission denied
18:29:44  rm: cannot remove 'C:/workspace/openjdk-build/cyclonedx-lib': Permission denied
18:29:44  rm: cannot remove 'C:/workspace/openjdk-build/docs': Permission denied
18:29:44  rm: cannot remove 'C:/workspace/openjdk-build/pipelines': Permission denied
18:29:44  rm: cannot remove 'C:/workspace/openjdk-build/tools': Permission denied
[Pipeline] }