To provide infrastructure for the Adoptium farm that is:
The end result should be immutable hosts, which can be destroyed and reproduced from Ansible playbooks. See our Contribution Guidelines on how we implement these goals.
See our current Chaos Monkey Status.
Please visit our #infrastructure
Slack Channel and say hello.
Please read our Contribution
Guidelines before
submitting Pull Requests.
We list administrative members and their organisation affiliation for maximum transparency. Want to add a new member? Please follow our Onboarding Process. If you want access for yourself, raise an issue in this repository for the team to consider it - if you are working on an issue here we will generally be happy to add you to the triage team.
Indicates access to the secrets repo
Members of this team that holds super user access to our machines to perform maintenance
The primary infrastructure team who manage issues and PRs in this
repository. People in this team are committers and able to merge pull requests
in this repository. In general if you need assistance from a committer,
please post a message into the #infrastructure
slack channel where one of
the committers should be able to help rather than attempting to contact
someone directly.
This team is the starting point for new members.
People in this team can take ownership of issues but do not have the privileges to merge pull requests. In general new people in the team will go into this group for a while before being granted additional access.
The Adoptium project is proud to receive contributions from many companies, both in the form of monetary contributions in exchange for membership or in-kind contributions for required resources. The Infrastructure collaborates with the following companies who contribute various kinds of cloud and physical hardware to the Adoptium project.
Most information about our machines can be found at Inventory This file is important not only as a reference for the team, but is used by AWX which we often use to deploy ansible playbooks so it is important that it is kept up to date
We will aim to perform routine maintenance on the first Tuesday of each month, generally between 1000-1200 (UTC). This will be announced in the infrastructure channel on slack on the day prior to the maintenance. This timing should typically avoid coinciding with release work, although if a release in the previous month is ongoing then the window can be delayed til the following Tuesday.
Jenkins and it's plugins will be updated to the latest LTS every month. Other services such as Bastillion, AWX, and Nagios will be updated as required on a quarterly basis (On the first month of each quarter) during the same window if required for security reasons. In some cases we may wish to do an out-of-bound patch if a sufficientl sever issue is identified.
These are taken on a daily basis, and one per month is currently kept "forever" on our backup server. Details are now in a separate document