adoptium / infrastructure

This repo contains all information about machine maintenance.
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Decommission some JCK machines #610

Closed tellison closed 2 years ago

tellison commented 6 years ago

The JCK-specific machines are not being well utilized.

jck-softlayer-x64-ubuntu-16.04-1 jck-softlayer-x64-ubuntu-16.04-2 jck-softlayer-x64-ubuntu-16.04-3

Proposal is to decommission one or more at the moment. Of course, they can always be recreated if required.

sxa commented 6 years ago

I'm ok with this, but bear in mind that jck-softlayer-x64-ubuntu-16.04-3 is actually so we should probably leave that one as it has the "external connectivity" services on it so if that goes the rest of them can't run it properly (although that's now fairly easy to regenerate if required too)

tellison commented 5 years ago

Ok, so I will now shutdown those machines, and also the remaining two Softlayer JCK machines and as theya re not being used.

gdams commented 5 years ago

we should probably do the same with one of the s390x and one of the ppc64le machines too

sxa commented 5 years ago and have been repurposed onto the main jenkins server - currently without any modifications. The s390x one will almost certainly fail to run variuos things without the playbooks being executed on it. The mac one we don't have playbooks fro so that may need manual work but it will be a good opportunity to catalogue what's needed specifically for a test system.

sxa commented 5 years ago

Most of the important stuff has been moved, so chucking this on the backlog for now as it's not a priority.

Although arguably since this issues is titled with the word "some" we could just close it ;-)

Willsparker commented 2 years ago

As far as I can tell from the Inventory and Jenkins's node list, there aren't anymore jck nodes, and the node hosting is running on an azure-ubuntu2004 machine. Think this can be closed?

sxa commented 2 years ago

We still have them but they are hidden and running on a separate restricted jenkins server. The machines referenced here do not exist in the same form. Closing.