adrelino / interpolation-methods

Survey of Higher Order Rigid Body Motion Interpolation Methods for Keyframe Animation and Continuous-Time Trajectory Estimation
MIT License
144 stars 29 forks source link


Haarbach, Adrian, Tolga Birdal, and Slobodan Ilic. "Survey of higher order rigid body motion interpolation methods for keyframe animation and continuous-time trajectory estimation." 2018 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV). IEEE, 2018:

Since animation techniques are best explored interactively, we provide our web and C++ applications to interact with and visualize Euclidean, orientation and rigid body motion interpolation methods that produced all our figures and runtime evaluations as well as an overview table of all methods:

The src directory contains the C++ implementation of our trajectory representations which uses Eigen3/{Dense,Geometry} as templated Matrix and Quaternion basis and GLFW for the visualization.


The following methods are provided

Euclidean interpolation:

Orientation interpolation:

Rigid body motion interpolation based on cubic B-Spline in combination with:




Install dependencies via homebrew package manager:

brew install cmake eigen glfw


Install dependencies via apt:

sudo apt install cmake libeigen3-dev libglfw3-dev


git checkout
cd interpolation-methods
git submodule update --init


mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../src


Install emscripten

git clone
cd emsdk
git pull
./emsdk update-tags
./emsdk install latest
./emsdk activate latest
source ./
cd ..

Then build

mkdir build-web && cd build-web
cmake ../src -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/eigen3 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="../emsdk/upstream/emscripten/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake" 

serve the file either using node or python

npx http-server
python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

Then open http://localhost:8080.


To reproduce the 3D visualizations and runtime experiments from sections 4, 5 and 6 of the paper.

4. Orientation interpolation methods

This will display the rotation part of the trajectories on the surfaces of a unit quaternions sphere.



This allows e.g. to generate

Figure 4: Comparison of orientation interpolation methods on the surface of the sphere S^2 and by the norm of their angular velocity su(2).

5. Rigid body motion interpolation methods

This will display the rotation part of the trajectories as an animated camera frustrum and the translation part as a line in 3D Euclidean space.



This allows e.g. to generate

Figure 5: Interpolation of two poses / Figure 6: Trajectory from 4 poses

6. Runtime experiments

To re-run the runtime experiments, run

=====  TIMINGS ===== multip ===== ops=10001
name        nsec    max     min     SPLIT   #means
QLB+LERP    11.98   0.06    1.00    0.13    1000    
DLB         22.76   0.11    1.90    0.26    1000    
SPLIT       88.84   0.44    7.42    1.00    1000    
ScLERP      131.27  0.64    10.96   1.48    1000    
SE3Up       204.00  1.00    17.03   2.30    1000    


=====  TIMINGS ===== Trajectories ===== ops=10001
name        nsec    max     min     CuBsp   #means
DLFus       175.94  0.24    1.00    0.50    10  
CuBsp       353.50  0.48    2.01    1.00    10  
ScFus       448.13  0.61    2.55    1.27    10  
SQUAD       643.04  0.87    3.65    1.82    10  
SpFus       738.24  1.00    4.20    2.09    10  

This allows e.g. to generate

Table 2: Runtime for pairwise (left) and higher order (right) rigidbody motion interpolation.