adrianaksan / qgis-mongodb-plugin

Loads layers with geometry from MongoDB in to QGIS
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QGIS MongoDB Loader


Use the QGIS Plugins menu to install the MongoDB plugin.


The MongoDB Loader allows a user to connect to a MongoDB using QGIS.


pymongo, json, ast

Loading Layers

The Load MongoDB Layer plugin allows you to quickly and easily load Point, Linestring and Polygon geometry and their attributes into a shapefile. Unlike Mongoconnecter, no additional configuration is required and Polygon geometry is loadable.

To load the layer simply type the your mongo db server name, db name, geometry field name and click CONNECT.


Note: this assumes that you have your geometry in the "geom" property of each entry in the collection (they need tobe valid geojson).

If the connection is successful, you should see a list of your collections that contain geometry with the geometry type. To load the collection, simply select the collection and click LOAD. Under the settings tab you can also VIEW all of the attributes in your collection. After viewing your attributes, select an attribute and click DISTINCT. This will display a list of distinct values for that attribute. To load your mongoDB layer using a specific attribute simply click SET.

Now go back to the CONNECTION tab and tick the checkbox and select the field from the drop down list that you would like to load.


qgis-mongodb-plugin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.