This example is to demostrate the auth dialog for ADFS using Auth0 and Ionic. This example is best to test on an actual device (e.g. not ionic serve
) to test the ADFS authentication dialog from a non-domain computer/device.
Based on Cordova 5, Cordova Android 4.0.0, Cordova InAppBrowser plugin (with customization), MSOpenTech's cordova-plugin-auth-dialog and Auth0's Ionic example.
ionic start myApp blank
, this would create a blank ionic project template.ionic setup sass
, this would setup this project to use Sassionic plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist
(see Caveats #1)ionic plugin add
, this is because the inappbrowser does not support auth dialog (at the time of this writing), we would have to customize it.ionic plugin add
to add the auth dialog. (See Caveats #2).ionic build android
9 run ionic emulate android
(or ionic run android
if you are running on an actual device or Genymotion)ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist
in the xml files (~ line 764).