Assignment - X13
jQuery | JS | SCSS | Bootstrap 4 | BEM
- Create project using .scss and ready-to-use bootstrap components,
- Use of imported by .scss,
- Use !default flag for bootstrap variables in order to not override core .scss structure while modifying variables.
For the most part take advantage of boostrap components
- 'Najlepsze marki' can be done using slider,
- In section 'W liczbach' add counter. (use ready-to-use libraries or write them by your own)
- Create popup showing on project on 'klimatyzacje' button click.
- Use bootstrap components i.e. grid, accordition, modal, tabs, dropdown, card, nav, forms,
- Try to use as many as possible classes utils or create your own if it is needed,
- mantain scss code based on styleguide,
- use as many as possible (and useful) variables,
- use @extend and @include if it is needed.
Setup & run project on you local machine
- Install NPM dependencies ( clear install ):
npm ci
- Build project with command:
npm run build
npm run watch