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Instant retro UI for calling any contract function you want
See it online @ eth95.dev here's an example with DAI:
Works on any dapp project (Truffle, Buidler, etc.) as long as you point it to the JSON artifacts. And even if you don't have a project, you can run it by itself and manually add ABIs and artifacts.
npm install -g eth95
Run with path to your artifacts folder:
eth95 ./build/contracts
When eth95
is run, an Express server is fired up and a frontend (packaged by Parcel) is served at localhost:3000
(you can define the port with a flag -p 1234
). The server will watch the directory you passed in for any changes to your artifacts and send those changes down to the frontend via Websockets.
Note that you can also add any contracts you want if you have the ABI or Artifact (there is an Add Contract button).
If you have any questions or comments, please file an issue.