adrianmcli / truffle-next

🛰️ A boilerplate Truffle Box project with Next.js for rapid Ethereum Dapp development
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ethereum ethereum-contract nextjs reactjs solidity truffle truffle-framework

Truffle and Next.js


Rapid Ethereum Dapp Development

made for ethereum to the moon MIT license

--- # A Minimal Smart Contract Development Boilerplate [Truffle]( is great for developing Solidity smart contracts, but building a React frontend for a smart contract is often a chore. [Next.js]( is one of the easiest ways to build such a frontend and the integration between Truffle and Next.js is what this boilerplate is trying to demonstrate. There are two major features: - A plain `truffle init` project is used as the base (along with a SimpleStorage example contract). - A Next.js project resides in the `client` directory with a symlink to the output folder of the contract ABI definitions. The Next.js app also provides a simple skeleton for connecting to and interacting with the smart contract on a network. For more information on how the frontend works, go read the []( located in the `client` directory. ## Installation 1. Install Truffle globally. ```bash npm install -g truffle ``` 2. Download the box. This also takes care of installing the necessary dependencies. ```bash truffle unbox adrianmcli/truffle-next ``` 3. Run the development console. ```bash truffle develop ``` 4. Compile and migrate the smart contracts. Note inside the development console we don't preface commands with `truffle`. ```bash compile migrate ``` 5. Run the next.js server for the front-end. Smart contract changes must be manually recompiled and migrated. ```bash // Change directory to the front-end folder cd client // Serves the front-end on http://localhost:3000 npm run dev ``` 6. Truffle can run tests written in Solidity or JavaScript against your smart contracts. Note the command varies slightly if you're in or outside of the development console. ```bash // If inside the development console. test // If outside the development console.. truffle test ``` ## Running with MetaMask Since `truffle develop` exposes the blockchain onto port `9545`, you'll need to add a Custom RPC network of `http://localhost:9545` in your MetaMask to make it work. ## Running with TestRPC We highly recommend using `truffle develop` over `testrpc`, but if you want to use `testrpc`, there are a couple things you need to do: - Change Line 6 of `client/lib/getWeb3.js` to use `localhost:8545` instead of `localhost:9545` so we refer to `testrpc` instead of `truffle develop`. - Run your `testrpc` with the following command (because [reasons]( ``` testrpc --gasLimit 6721975 --gasPrice 100000000000 ```