adrianmichel / yloader

Free stock quotes downloader
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not downloding #22

Open amiralshoq opened 1 month ago

amiralshoq commented 1 month ago

I Have problem (HTTP response error429) as pix


peter-lernyx commented 1 month ago


pstenson commented 1 month ago


ZeroAssoluto996 commented 1 month ago


VitaliPP commented 1 month ago


Rahmengo commented 1 month ago

I am having the same issue. Am getting a "HTTP response error429" message when attempting to download

pinotin commented 4 weeks ago

I have the exact same problem and I have already reported it. Solution?

peter-lernyx commented 4 weeks ago

It can take a minute for the author to attend to this. We had a similar issue due to Yahoo changes a year or two ago and Adrian did eventually fix it. But this is a free piece of software guys, nobody is paying him a dime, so please be realistic in your expectations. In the meantime, you can use InvestExcel multiple stock downloader spreadsheet to get automated bulk downloads from Yahoo. It is nowhere near as convenient as Yloader but at least it works. Description:

Sheet download:

enkynakamura commented 3 weeks ago

I encountered the same issue today. I even reduced to just one concurrent connection at a time, but I still got HTTP 429 errors.

Sleepy-Snake commented 3 weeks ago

Has anyone figured out what Yahoo has changed to cause yhe problem yet?

Rahmengo commented 3 weeks ago

As of 2024-06-13 I am still getting the HTTP response error429. Would be great if someone can point me in the right direction on how to fix this and I will give it a try myself.

Rahmengo commented 3 weeks ago

I am still having the same problem

adilpr commented 2 weeks ago

I am still having the same problem

BoulderLou commented 1 week ago

A quick attempt to add a USER_AGENT to determine if it actually fixes the issue.

in httprequest.cpp change this line: handleCurlResult(curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, userAgent.c_str()), "curl_easy_setopt( CURLOPT_USERAGENT )");

to this: handleCurlResult(curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0;"), "curl_easy_setopt( CURLOPT_USERAGENT )");

and it now downloads the Yahoo data. Screenshot 2024-06-22 095834

I'll need to go back to make the proper modifications in the HTTPRequestBase class.

adilpr commented 1 week ago

A quick attempt to add a USER_AGENT to determine if it actually fixes the issue.

in httprequest.h change this line: handleCurlResult(curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, userAgent.c_str()), "curl_easy_setopt( CURLOPT_USERAGENT )");

to this: handleCurlResult(curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0;"), "curl_easy_setopt( CURLOPT_USERAGENT )");

and it now downloads the Yahoo data. Screenshot 2024-06-22 095834

I'll need to go back to make the proper modifications in the HTTPRequestBase class.

Can you share with us a link of the working file. Thanks.

Also, a request in yloader settings -- data sources - can you please add "initial delay between requests (milliseconds) ... and user could, for example input, 1000. this would reduce load on yahoo servers. If you need further inputs from my end let me know. Thanks.

BoulderLou commented 1 week ago

The executable files for the temporary fix are located in the link below along with some others that you will not need, like an old log file from the Release/x64 directory.

Built with Visual Studio 2019 Release/x64 directory

adilpr commented 1 week ago

A humble thanks. i would like you to add the personalised feature i requested earlier about inital delay between requests...

BoulderLou commented 1 week ago

Sorry, but you are not likely to get any "personalized" UI modifications from me anytime soon. I would leave that up to the original developer, Adrian or anyone else who would enjoy modifying the source code.

When Yloader stopped working, I modified the InvestExcel multiple stock downloader Excel spreadsheet to suit my needs, until I had the time to dig into the Yloader code.

toddao commented 1 week ago

thank you much BoulderLou, works.

On Sat, 22 Jun 2024 11:18:08 -0700, you wrote:

The executable files for the temporary fix are located in the link below along with some others that you will not need, like an old log file from the Release/x64 directory.

Built with Visual Studio 2019 Release/x64 directory

adilpr commented 1 week ago

Hi BoulderLou, I have attatched yahooplugin.cpp. i donot know how to generate yahooplugin.ypi file. if possible pls send as attatchment (.zip).. i have on line 75 kept sleep(1000) to slow download. Thanks.

pinotin commented 1 week ago

I downloaded the files and inserted them into the Jdownloader program folder. Now it no longer gives an error but does not download all the requested data as per the attached image. Thank you Error

BoulderLou commented 1 week ago

I downloaded the files and inserted them into the Jdownloader program folder. Now it no longer gives an error but does not download all the requested data as per the attached image. Thank you Error

I tried a few of your symbols and it downloads the data for me. The downloaded data agrees with the raw data from Yahoo.

YloaderItaly Yloader_amb_data


BoulderLou commented 1 week ago

I downloaded the files and inserted them into the Jdownloader program folder. Now it no longer gives an error but does not download all the requested data as per the attached image. Thank you Error

Perhaps you need to check your validation settings: YloaderValidationSettings

pstenson commented 1 week ago

The executable files for the temporary fix are located in the link below along with some others that you will not need, like an old log file from the Release/x64 directory.

Thank you for the "temp fix", it works just fine. YLoader is a lot easier to use than my temp fix of cutting and pasting from Google sheets.

BoulderLou commented 1 week ago

Hi BoulderLou, I have attatched yahooplugin.cpp. i donot know how to generate yahooplugin.ypi file. if possible pls send as attatchment (.zip).. i have on line 75 kept sleep(1000) to slow download. Thanks.

Not sure why you want to slow things down but... placing the sleep statement in that location would not work and most likely generate build errors.

Have you tried limiting the "simultaneous connections" to 1? YloaderSlowDown

toddao commented 1 week ago

I downloaded everything in BoulderLou.s subdirectory without knowing what was what and put it in my yloader subdirectory, overwriting everything. It worked.

On Sun, 23 Jun 2024 14:50:22 -0700, you wrote:

Hi BoulderLou, I have attatched yahooplugin.cpp. i donot know how to generate yahooplugin.ypi file. if possible pls send as attatchment (.zip).. i have on line 75 kept sleep(1000) to slow download. Thanks.

Not sure why you want to slow things down but... placing the sleep statement in that location would not work and most likely generate build errors.

Have you tried limiting the "simultaneous connections" to 1? YloaderSlowDown

adilpr commented 1 week ago

Thank you BoulderLou and toddao.

adilpr commented 1 week ago


Hi, any thoughts on why all symbol status is ignored..

Interesting to know yloadercl.exe works perfectly...

BoulderLou commented 1 week ago


Hi, any thoughts on why all symbol status is ignored..

Interesting to know yloadercl.exe works perfectly... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Nvidia is not a symbol. It is the company name. NVDA is the correct symbol.

adilpr commented 1 week ago



BoulderLou commented 1 week ago


Hi, any thoughts on why all symbol status is ignored..

Interesting to know yloadercl.exe works perfectly...

Tried your symbols...they work for me. Perhaps something in your settings or file system


adilpr commented 1 week ago

image Hi, any thoughts on why all symbol status is ignored.. Interesting to know yloadercl.exe works perfectly...

Tried your symbols...they work for me. Perhaps something in your settings or file system


Hi BoulderLou, You are a genius. I deleted settings.ini. restarted yloader...problem solved. Thank you very much.


amiralshoq commented 1 week ago

HI ,BoulderLou

You are amazing thank you very much I just copied the files and replaced them

Kkorelli commented 1 week ago

Hi BoulderLou

Im really pleased that you have found a fix for Yloader, as it is a terrific program and has provided me with many years of use.

I’m assuming that I would just need to copy your files into the Program Directory folder where Yloader is kept and replace old duplicate files.

Just one question, my PC is 32 bit (x86 I believe); will your modified files still work?

Many thanks

BoulderLou commented 1 week ago

Hi BoulderLou

Im really pleased that you have found a fix for Yloader, as it is a terrific program and has provided me with many years of use.

I’m assuming that I would just need to copy your files into the Program Directory folder where Yloader is kept and replace old duplicate files.

Just one question, my PC is 32 bit (x86 I believe); will your modified files still work?

Many thanks

No, it won't work on a 32bit/x86 machine, as the build target is for a 64bit machine. That is why the directory is named "Release/ x64" I can build a 32bit version and upload it in the next few days.

BoulderLou commented 1 week ago

For those of you using 32-bit systems.... I uploaded a release build for 32-bit systems...

ZeroAssoluto996 commented 1 week ago

Thank you BoulderLou, very good job.

adilpr commented 1 week ago

hi anybody knows how to write in javascript. url is

this gives the following result {"chart":{"result":[{"meta":{"currency":"USD","symbol":"NVDA","exchangeName":"NMS","fullExchangeName":"NasdaqGS","instrumentType":"EQUITY","firstTradeDate":917015400,"regularMarketTime":1719432000,"hasPrePostMarketData":true,"gmtoffset":-14400,"timezone":"EDT","exchangeTimezoneName":"America/New_York","regularMarketPrice":126.4,"fiftyTwoWeekHigh":128.12,"fiftyTwoWeekLow":122.6,"regularMarketDayHigh":128.12,"regularMarketDayLow":122.6,"regularMarketVolume":351788772,"chartPreviousClose":126.09,"priceHint":2,"currentTradingPeriod":{"pre":{"timezone":"EDT","start":1719475200,"end":1719495000,"gmtoffset":-14400},"regular":{"timezone":"EDT","start":1719495000,"end":1719518400,"gmtoffset":-14400},"post":{"timezone":"EDT","start":1719518400,"end":1719532800,"gmtoffset":-14400}},"dataGranularity":"1d","range":"1d","validRanges":["1d","5d","1mo","3mo","6mo","1y","2y","5y","10y","ytd","max"]},"timestamp":[1719408600],"indicators":{"quote":[{"volume":[355159700],"open":[126.12999725341797],"low":[122.5999984741211],"high":[128.1199951171875],"close":[126.4000015258789]}],"adjclose":[{"adjclose":[126.4000015258789]}]}}],"error":null}}

the output should be as Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Adj Close,Volume 2024-06-27,8380.500000,8477.450195,8327.549805,8474.000000,8474.000000,114149

any ideas how to go ahead and write function as

// the processing function takes text as input and produces text as ouput function Process( input ) { return input; }

Kkorelli commented 1 week ago

Hi BoulderLou

Thanks for your speedy response.

To add to the comments of others, I am very grateful for your time and effort in extending the life of YLoader, especially for the older PC’s.

NorskTrader commented 1 week ago

Thank you for your repair of YLoader, BoulderLou.

I'm new here, so I apologize in advance for asking such basic questions.

But I see in the last seven hours you've uploaded some new files, including y6_64_setup.exe

Does that single file contain all the fixes you'd previously uploaded as individual file subcomponents?

Or should I download each of the files you offered here: YLoaderTmpFix20240622/Release/x64

BoulderLou commented 1 week ago

Thank you for your repair of YLoader, BoulderLou.

I'm new here, so I apologize in advance for asking such basic questions.

But I see in the last seven hours you've uploaded some new files, including y6_64_setup.exe

Does that single file contain all the fixes you'd previously uploaded as individual file subcomponents?

Or should I download each of the files you offered here: YLoaderTmpFix20240622/Release/x64

The *setup.exe files are installers for the fix. I've made the appropriate modifications to the class structures instead of the one line quick fix. The directories have been removed, as they are no longer needed. For a 64-bit system, run the y6_64_setup.exe to install the latest modifications on your system.