adrianmichel / yloader

Free stock quotes downloader
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YLoader is a free stock quotes downloader for Windows.

You can find the complete product documentation and download the most recent stable binaries from

Email with any questions or feedback


YLoader is free open-source software distributed under the Terms and Conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 or (at your option) any later version.

For using YLoader, no restrictions apply. You can further redistribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the GPL.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

For details, have a look at the full text of the GPL in the LICENSE file or at

3rd party components


YLoader uses several 3rd party components, as source code or libraries that need to be downloaded, installed and built separately The source code components are already part of the YLoader project, however the libraries and applications need to be downloaded and installed (and libraries built as well) prior to building YLoader. Here is the list:

Source code



Applications used in the course of YLoader development:

Building YLoader from sources

Follow the steps below to successfully build YLoader binaries and optionally the installer(s). This process will generate quite a bit of data, so be sure to have enough available storage on the build drive.

Note that this build will generate binaries compatible with Windows 7 or later. They will not run on Windows XP.

  1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition and make sure to select C++ and all sub-options required to build Windows applications written in C++ using MFC.
  2. Optionally install Doxygen and/or NSIS if you want to be able to build the documentation and/or the YLoader installer.
  3. Install the newest Git client.
  4. Open a Windows console and clone the YLoader repository to the desired directory:
    git clone [yloader_dir] 
  5. Optionally download the fciv.exe utility and copy it under [yloader_dir]\external\fciv\fciv.exe.
  6. cd to the new YLoader directory directory and run
    This will download and build third party packages that YLoader depends on.
  7. Once this build has completed successfully, open Visual Studio, open the File menu, Open, Project/Solution, and open the YLoader solution located at:
  8. On the Build toolbar located under the Visual Studio main menu select the Solution Configuration (Debug/Release) and Solution Platform (win32/x64) that you would like to build.
  9. In the Solution Explorer pane, expand the yloader folder, right click on the yloader project under that folder and select Set as Startup Project.
  10. Right click again on the yloader project and click on Build.
  11. The generated binaries will be under
  12. If you have installed NSIS and built the Release version of either win32 and/or x64, the YLoader installer(s) will be created under
  13. If you have installed the fciv.exe utility, an additional text file with the MD5 and SHA1 hashes will generated for each of 32 and 64 bit under the installer directory.