adrianp / bag client
MIT License
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Bag - a slim Pocket client for the Web

Bag is a Pocket client written in JavaScript (ECMAScript 2015 on both server and client-side). It aims to be simple to use, fast and feature-rich.

A deployed version of Bag can be found at Being a free Heroku instance, it might be slow, so please bear with us! :-)


$ npm run config

Please edit the file to include your own details; the most important one is the Pocket consumer key, which you can get here. Then run:

$ source ./  # you need to run this in every new terminal in which you plan to run the Bag server
$ npm run install-globals

This last command will ask for the root password as we need to install Gulp. Finally run:

$ npm install --production


$ npm start

Now you can navigate to and start using Bag. Please use a fetch API compliant browser.


$ npm install  # install development dependencies
$ gulp  # manual build
$ gulp watch  # live reload


Bag is built using:

Attribution, Licensing and Contributing:

Bag is developed by Adrian-Tudor Panescu and is using the MIT license. Please feel free to submit pull requests and issues.