adrienave / BookTheRook

Chess game collection manager
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Book The Rook

This project aims at reproducing a minimalist chess game collection manager application, oriented towards creating something intuitive and light for the user.

The current main objectives to implement are:

In some unknown future, deeper features such as engine analysis, adding variations / comments or advanced filtering of games could be added.

How to run it

As of today, there is no release of the application, so the only way to test it is to run it from sources.

Stack Requirements

Compile Instructions

Since (at least) one of the dependency is an automatic module, it may be required to add the following line to the VM arguments when trying to compile the project through IntelliJ:

--add-reads com.github.adrienave.booktherook=ALL-UNNAMED

After that - and making sure your IDE properly loaded the dependency through Gradle, the application can be started by running its main class: java/com/github/adrienave/booktherook/