adriens / schemacrawler-deb

Debian package for schemacrawler
9 stars 3 forks source link
deb debian installer package schemacrawler

Schemacrawler Debian package builder

Beerpay Beerpay

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Set the version in session


Download and install .deb

Go on the Release Page and get the debian file.

or download it from your shell assuming you have set version in the session :


Build docs and debian installer

mvn clean package site -Ddependency.locations.enabled=false

Build all and Install

mvn clean package site -Ddependency.locations.enabled=false && sudo dpkg -i target/schemacrawler-deb-${SCHEMACRAWLER_VERSION}_all.deb

Build all and (re)install

mvn clean package site -Ddependency.locations.enabled=false && sudo apt-get remove schemacrawler && sudo dpkg -i target/schemacrawler-deb-${SCHEMACRAWLER_VERSION}_all.deb

Debian customization : additional lints

As requested see #68, you can decide to directly prepare your debian package with additional lint jar dropped in SCHEMACRAWLE_HOME/lib so you don't have to move it afterwards.

To build such a debian package, just build with the following option :

mvn clean package -Dwith-lint-flag=-with-additional-lints

So if you want both (with and without additional lints) debians packages, just :

mvn clean package && mvn package -Dwith-lint-flag=-with-additional-lints
ls -la target/*.deb


sudo apt-get remove schemacrawler

Vagrant BOX

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
mvn clean package
sudo dpkg -i target/schemacrawler-deb-${SCHEMACRAWLER_VERSION}_all.deb
schemacrawler -version


If you are familiar with bash auto-complete files, you are welcome to provide me one to make schemacawler linux experience even better.