adsabs / adsrex

Collection of functional tests for ADS Api and Bumblebee
MIT License
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Collection of functional tests for ADS Api and Bumblebee.

A minimal configuration is necessary, create a and set the values as described in the

The tests have to be self-contained, i.e. v1_0 should not share any code with v1_1!

These tests are python 3.x!

How to write new tests

There are 3 use types:

- anonymous_user: will make requests to the API without any token
- bumblebee_user: will make requests to the API as short-lived BBB (anonymous) user
- authenticated_user: special account `tester@ads` represents a logged-in, authenticated user; this account has very high ratelimits everything else (permissions) is the same as standard users

Tests are organized per module/microservice. Each should exercise these 3 user categories. Typically, for authenticated/bumblebee user you can just write one test and pass in the user object, i.e.

def test(user=authenticated_user):
    r = user.get('/some/url', ....)
    assert r.status_code == 200


py.test v1_0