adswa / localizer

A home for an analysis aimed at devoloping a novel approach for determining the specificity of functional ROIs.
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Turn it sideways

This Github repository contains the scripts and preliminary results for a classification-based approach at determining the specificity of functional ROIs.

Method summary

The method in questions works by 1) deriving sensitivities during classification analysis in a leave-one-participant-out crossvalidation of any two ROIs, and 2) modelling this time course of sensitivities with the available experimental design to provide a functional description of it. Comparing this approach with the typical "standard" univariate GLM with canonical contrasts on the fMRI data (e.g. faces versus houses) shows that 1) such canonical contrasts may not work well for complex stimulation 2) the functional specificity of ROIs derived from simplistic designs is diverse during complex stimulation

Check out the poster in derivatives/poster for a graphical description of analyses and results.

Repo overview

The repository is a datalad dataset. In theory, the commit history should contain all relevant information about the origin of source data, its preprocessing, the performed analyses and the corresponding results. Nevertheless, the history is long, and scripts underwent constant refactoring. Therefore, this README tries to help by giving an overview of the contents of this repository.


The directory sourcedata/ contains submodules with the various input files (all linked as datalad subdatasets):


The directory code/ contains all scripts used for the analyses. The important ones are:

The main analysis script contains commandline-specifyable options to compute partial results (classification, glm, plotting) on the full or only-ROI dataset, containing either no coordinates, additional coordinate information, or only coordinate information, with different classifiers (GLM, SGD, l-SGD), and to reverse the analysis. The script contain commandline-specifyable options to zscore normally, not at all, or - in the case of the localizer data - on parameters derived from rest periods with no stimulation.

sub-* directories

Each subjects subdirectory contains - per session (block-design, movie) - custom preprocessed files in subject and group space. Preprocessing was done with a nipype workflow that can be found in the code directory as code/ The script was executed with datalad-containers run in a singularity image ( Subject space files were warped into a study-specific group space based on templates in the studyforrest dataset, using FSL and the script code/


The derivatives/ directory contains

NOTE: all of this here is work in progress. Refactoring happens quite often.


The analyses rely on open source software (nipype, numpy, pandas, scipy, sklearn, seaborn, matplotlib, pylab, datalad, git, git-annex, FSL, Neurodebian, PyMVPA, pliers, and likely many more). We want to thank the authors, contributers and maintainers of these awesome software projects for making it possible. The analyses further rely on shared, open data. We want to thank the authors and anonymous subjects of these datasets.