adtzlr / felupe

:mag: finite element analysis for continuum mechanics of solid bodies
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Stress Projection for `TetraMINI` is complicated #690

Closed adtzlr closed 7 months ago

adtzlr commented 7 months ago

This is not a classical code-bug, but it could be a bug from a user perspective.

Summary (for v7.19.1)

Possible Solutions

Detailed Description

The first part is easy...

import felupe as fem
from pypardiso import spsolve

mesh = fem.Cube(n=(16, 6, 6)).triangulate(3).add_midpoints_volumes(cell_type="tetra")
region = fem.RegionTetraMINI(mesh, fem.TetrahedronQuadrature(order=2))
field = fem.FieldsMixed(region)

boundaries, loadcase = fem.dof.uniaxial(field, clamped=True)

nh = fem.NeoHooke(mu=1)
solid = fem.SolidBody(fem.NearlyIncompressible(nh, bulk=500), field)

move = fem.math.linsteps([0, 2], num=3)
step = fem.Step(items=[solid], ramp={boundaries["move"]: move}, boundaries=boundaries)

job = fem.CharacteristicCurve(steps=[step], boundary=boundaries["move"])
job.evaluate(solver=spsolve, parallel=True)
fig, ax = job.plot(
   xlabel="Displacement $u$ in mm $\longrightarrow$",
   ylabel="Normal Force $F$ in N $\longrightarrow$",

...this is more or less the README code-block ✅. Obtaining the Cauchy-stress at quadrature points is also straightforward ✅. But the projection produces weird stresses ⚠️ at the midvolume-points.

import numpy as np

# stress at quadrature points
cauchy = solid.evaluate.cauchy_stress(field)

# project the stress to mesh-points
stress = fem.project(cauchy, region)
stress[-mesh.ncells:] = np.nan

# view cell-means of stress xx
view = solid.view(cell_data=dict(Stress=np.mean(cauchy, axis=-2).T))
view.plot("Stress", show_undeformed=False).show()

# view projected point-data of stress xx
view = solid.view(point_data=dict(Stress=stress))
view.plot("Stress", show_undeformed=False).show()



So these points have to be ignored 🗑️. But the result is still very different to the cell-data (cell-means of stresses).

# ignore projected stresses at midvolume-points
stress[-mesh.ncells:] = np.nan

# set displacements of mid-volume points to zero
field[0].values[-mesh.ncells:] = 0

# view projected point-data of stress xx
view = solid.view(point_data=dict(Stress=stress))
view.plot("Stress", show_undeformed=False).show()


For RegionTetraMINI a quadrature scheme with order=5 has to be used to project values to mesh-points (order=2 is too low and the next implemented order is fifth-order). Repeat the above code-blocks with:

# ...
region = fem.RegionTetraMINI(mesh, fem.TetrahedronQuadrature(order=5))
# ...



~Another option would be to project the cell-means to the mesh-points (also use a fifth-order quadrature scheme!).~ This is probably not a good idea.

# project the stress to mesh-points
stress = fem.project(cauchy, region, mean=True)
stress[-mesh.ncells:] = np.nan

# view projected point-data of stress xx
view = solid.view(point_data=dict(Stress=stress))
view.plot("Stress", show_undeformed=False).show()


A similar task could also be done directly within the PyVista plotter. This seems to be the easiest operation. Same results may be obtained by extrapolate(mean=True).

view = solid.view(cell_data=dict(Stress=np.mean(cauchy, axis=-2).T))
view.mesh = view.mesh.cell_data_to_point_data()
view.plot("Stress", show_undeformed=False).show()

# alternative with equal result
stress =, region, mean=True)  # this is the old project-method
view = solid.view(point_data=dict(Stress=stress))
view.plot("Stress", show_undeformed=False).show()


Results obtained by a finer mesh:


image (extrapolate cell-mean to point-data)

I have absolutely no idea how to simplify or make the stress projection for MINI-elements less error-prone. In the long term, we could separate global DOF from private DOF and then only the global DOF are considered for projection / plotting. Triangle and Tetra - Regions should be initiated with a higher-order quadrature scheme if it is used for interpolation or projection (and not only gradient evaluations). Something like Region(project=True) instead of manually setting the quadrature scheme.

adtzlr commented 7 months ago

Here are the results obtained with hexahedrons:



and with a finer mesh



and with an even finer mesh



and with an even even (...😄) finer mesh



adtzlr commented 7 months ago

With #691, an error is raised if the quadrature scheme's order is too low for projection.

import felupe as fem
from pypardiso import spsolve

mesh = fem.Cube(n=(11, 4, 4)).triangulate(3).add_midpoints_volumes(cell_type="tetra")
region = fem.RegionTetraMINI(mesh, fem.TetrahedronQuadrature(order=2))
field = fem.FieldsMixed(region)

boundaries, loadcase = fem.dof.uniaxial(field, clamped=True)

nh = fem.NeoHooke(mu=1)
solid = fem.SolidBody(fem.NearlyIncompressible(nh, bulk=500), field)

move = fem.math.linsteps([0, 2], num=3)
step = fem.Step(items=[solid], ramp={boundaries["move"]: move}, boundaries=boundaries)

job = fem.CharacteristicCurve(steps=[step], boundary=boundaries["move"])
job.evaluate(solver=spsolve, parallel=True)
fig, ax = job.plot(
   xlabel="Displacement $u$ in mm $\longrightarrow$",
   ylabel="Normal Force $F$ in N $\longrightarrow$",

import numpy as np

# stress at quadrature points
cauchy = solid.evaluate.cauchy_stress(field)

# project the stress to mesh-points
stress = fem.project(cauchy, region)

Hopefully this is useful and prevents some mistakes.

ValueError: Quadrature not supported (order is too low). Take the cell-means with `project(mean=True)` or use a higher-order quadrature scheme.