This is an example using the Advanced Navigation Spatial SDK to create a ROS2 driver that reads and decodes the Advanced Navigation Packet Protocol (ANPP) (in this case packet #20 and packet #28) and publishes the information as ROS topics / messages.
This example also includes the encoding of ANPP packet #55 and pushes the information to the Spatial INS.
It is designed to work with all Advanced Navigation INS devices using ANPP.
The code has been written to be easy to understand and for ease of extensibility with other ANPP packets.
This example has been developed and tested using Ubuntu Linux v20.04 LTS and ROS2 Foxy Fitzroy. Installation instructions for ROS2 can be found here:
If you require any assistance using this code, please email
The following guides are useful in getting started with ROS2 if you are not familiar:
, and get the Advanced Navigation ROS2 Driver
git clone
and std_msgs
packages installed as part of your ROS2 system. Either way, it’s good practice to run rosdep in the root of your workspace (workspace-folder-name
) to check for missing dependencies before building:
rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro foxy -y
, source and build the package:
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
colcon build --packages-select ros2-driver
To use this example code, your Advanced Navigation device should be configured to output ANPP packets #20 and #28.
If you are not sure how to configure your Advanced Navigation Device please refer to the Reference Manual on the relevant product page (
Open a new terminal or new tab, navigate to workspace-folder-name
, and source the setup files:
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
. install/setup.bash
usage: ros2 run package_name executable_name [baud_rate] [comm_port]
package_name Name of the ROS package
executable_name Name of the executable
baud_rate The Baud rate configured on the device. Default 115200
comm_port The COM port of the connected device. Default /dev/ttyUSB0
e.g. ros2 run ros2-driver adnav_driver 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
ros2 run package_name executable_name -B [baud_rate] -D [comm_port] -s [server_url] -m [mountpoint] -u [username] -p [password]
package_name Name of the ROS package
executable_name Name of the executable
-B baud_rate Baud rate configured on the device. Default 115200
-D comm_port COM port of the connected device. Default /dev/ttyUSB
-s server_url URL of the NTRIP server
-m mountpoint Name of the mountpoint
-u username Username of your NTRIP account
-p password Password of your NTRIP account
e.g. ros2 run ros2-driver adnav_driver -B 115200 -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -s -m MOUNTPOINT_20 -u yourUsername -p yourPassword
Use RQT Monitor to view published topics. Here you will find details on how to use RQT:
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash