advancedtelematic / aktualizr

C++ SOTA Client
Mozilla Public License 2.0
144 stars 60 forks source link
ota update-client

:toc: macro :toc-title:[image:[License: MPL 2.0]][image:[codecov]][image:[CII Best Practices]][image:[standard-readme compliant]]

[discrete] = aktualizr

==== C++ implementation of[Uptane] OTA update client.

The client is intended to be installed on devices that wish to receive OTA updates from an Uptane-compatible OTA server such as[HERE OTA Connect]. It is most commonly built by using the[meta-updater] layer in a Yocto environment. You can use aktualizr as a stand-alone system tool or you can integrate libaktualizr into a larger project.

The client is responsible for:

The client maintains the integrity and confidentiality of the OTA update in transit, communicating with the server over a TLS link. The client can run either as a system service, periodically checking for updates, or can by triggered by other system interactions (for example on user request, or on receipt of a wake-up message from the OTA server).

[discrete] == Table of Contents


== Security

This client is aligned with the[Uptane] security framework for software updates. Full details and documentation can be found on their site.

== Installation

=== Dependencies

To install the minimal requirements on Debian/Ubuntu, run this:

sudo apt install asn1c build-essential cmake curl libarchive-dev libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-log-dev libboost-program-options-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev libsodium-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev python3

The default versions packaged in recent Debian/Ubuntu releases are generally new enough to be compatible. If you are using older releases or a different variety of Linux, there are a few known minimum versions:

Additional packages are used for non-essential components:

Some features also require additional packages:

=== Building

This project uses git submodules. To checkout the code:

git clone --recursive cd aktualizr

If you had an old checkout, forgot to include --recursive or need to update the submodules, run:

git submodule update --init --recursive

aktualizr is built using CMake. To setup your build directory:

mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

You can then build the project from the build directory using Make:


You can also create a link:docs/ota-client-guide/modules/ROOT/pages/deb-package-install.adoc[debian package]:

make package

To use CMake's link:[Ninja] backend, add -G Ninja to the first CMake invocation. It has the advantage of running all targets in parallel by default and is recommended for local development.

=== Running tests

Before checking in code, it must pass the following tests (along with their corresponding build targets):

The qa target includes all of these checks, including auto-formatting:

make qa

Note that, by default, the compilation and tests run in sequence and the output of failing tests is suppressed. To run in parallel, for example with eight threads, and print the output of failing tests, run this:


Some tests require additional setups, such as code coverage, HSM emulation or link:docs/ota-client-guide/modules/ROOT/pages/provisioning-methods-and-credentialszip.adoc[provisioning credentials]. The exact reference about these steps is the link:scripts/[main test script] used for CI. It is parametrized by a list of environment variables and is used by our CI environments. To use it, run it in the project's root directory:


Note that it will run CMake itself in a dedicated build directory.

To get a list of the common environment variables and their corresponding system requirements, have a look at the link:ci/gitlab/.gitlab-ci.yml[Gitlab CI configuration] and the project's link:docker/[Dockerfiles].

=== Tags

Generate tags:

make tags

=== Building with Docker

Several Dockerfiles are provided to support building and testing the application without dependencies on your local environment.

If you have a working docker client and docker server running on your machine, you can build and run a docker image on the default environment with:

./scripts/ Dockerfile

It will start a shell session inside the container, running as the same UID/GID as on the host system, with the current directory mounted as a docker volume. Any local code changes are then immediately in effect inside the container and user/group permissions are compatible in the two environments.

Inside the container, the test suite with coverage can be run with:


(see the content of link:ci/gitlab/.gitlab-ci.yml[] and link:scripts/[] for more testing options)

Alternatively, link:scripts/[] can directly run the test script:

./scripts/ Dockerfile \ -eTEST_WITH_COVERAGE=1 \ -eTEST_WITH_P11=1 \ -eTEST_WITH_STATICTESTS=1 \ -- ./scripts/

== Usage

=== Configuration

To run the aktualizr client, you will need to provide a toml-formatted configuration file using the command line option -c or --config:

aktualizr -c <path/configfile>

Additional command line options can be found link:./src/aktualizr_primary/[in the code] or by running aktualizr --help. More details on configuring aktualizr can be found in link:docs/ota-client-guide/modules/ROOT/pages/aktualizr-config-options.adoc[]. If you are using[meta-updater], more information about configuring aktualizr in that environment can be found there.

[#fake-device] === Running a "fake" device

Aktualizr is generally intended to run on embedded devices, but you may find it convenient to run it on your local system for development or testing. To get a binary you can run locally, you can:

Some more detailed instructions on how to configure a fake device can be found on[the OTA Connect docs site].

=== Provisioning

If you intend to use aktualizr to authenticate with a server, you will need some form of provisioning. Aktualizr currently supports provisioning with shared credentials or with device credentials. Device credential provisioning supports using an HSM to store private keys. The differences and details are explained in link:docs/ota-client-guide/modules/ROOT/pages/client-provisioning-methods.adoc[] and link:docs/ota-client-guide/modules/ROOT/pages/enable-device-cred-provisioning.adoc[]. You can learn more about the credentials files used to support provisioning in link:docs/ota-client-guide/modules/ROOT/pages/provisioning-methods-and-credentialszip.adoc[].

== Changelog

The changelog is available in[].

== Maintainers

This code is maintained by the OTA team at[HERE Technologies]. If you have questions about the project, please reach us through Github issues for this repository or email us at

== Contribute

Complete contribution guidelines can be found in[].

== License

This code is licensed under the link:LICENSE[Mozilla Public License 2.0], a copy of which can be found in this repository. All code is copyright HERE Europe B.V., 2016-2020.

We require that contributors accept the terms of Linux Foundation's link:[Developer Certificate of Origin]. Specific instructions can be found in[].