adventuregamestudio / ags-manual

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Quality of life improvements #202

Closed AlanDrake closed 1 year ago

AlanDrake commented 1 year ago


It would be nice if we had the content in the sidebar, and the current page stuff appears in a separate box. I could make it work like other doc sites, where the "current page" box can move on the right, or the upper part of the sidebar depending how much space is available. Having the main TOC always visible would also help reduce the amount of clicks to get back to the index page.

morganwillcock commented 1 year ago

I don't think the links are checked in any way, so they might go out-of-sync with the page names. I've always considered that more just something to help it work in the GitHub wiki rather than part of the pages.

But it all looks better to me and I can't see any obvious issues with changes.

(as an opinion, I'd say the light theme now looks significantly better than the dark theme, but that is just because the light theme is so improved - I like the orange)

AlanDrake commented 1 year ago

I kept theme changes in line with css vars, so it's just a matter of finding a better color scheme for the dark mode. If you've seen a good looking dark color theme somewhere, show me and I'll use it as a reference.

morganwillcock commented 1 year ago

Since the themes are not customisable I was going to try something designed primarily for accessibility. I use these two themes (light and dark) on my computer so I can turn the brightness and contrast down a little on the monitor, and there is a slightly modified version to help with forms of color-blindness: light dark

I was going to try the syntax highlighting with the same colors and then see if I could fit the site theme around that: ...but possibly those are a bit too high-contrast to please everyone.

AlanDrake commented 1 year ago

How about this? immagine

ericoporto commented 1 year ago

It's looking very good, like some improved solarized theme.

Hey, don't want to push, but do you know if it's possible to change the search bar background to be something blue-ish darker tone too (instead of the current white)?

AlanDrake commented 1 year ago

It can be done. I'll prepare a commit.

ericoporto commented 1 year ago

Hey, I only found a minor issue, the bar color, after I switch to dark and back, the icons become either black or white (depending on light/dark being active). They are originally either blue in Light Mode and Orange in Dark Mode.

AlanDrake commented 1 year ago

Yes, black/white disabled, blue/orange enabled. If you have a better suggestion post it here.

ericoporto commented 1 year ago

Uhm, I did not notice I had disabled the buttons... Do you think if the dark mode toggle moon icon violated this rule, so it's always in the activated color, would it be alright? I feel this would give a better frame of reference of what is activated.

I am no ui expert, so I am not sure... I also think in the future I would switch the icon in light mode for a little sun, but this is not needed now.

AlanDrake commented 1 year ago

An alternative could be adding a border/background for active items.

ericoporto commented 1 year ago

I think the tooltips text should change, like "Match Partial Words"/"Match Whole Words", "Toggle Dark Mode"/"Toggle Light Mode" (or "Switch to") similar to the case toggle.

It's good enough for now, but I think I will try to at least adjust this.

AlanDrake commented 1 year ago

I was thinking, what if we differentiate inline code from inline code links? The colored version could be for links only, like github. immagine