advikg / student

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2021 College Board MCQ - Reflection #10

Open advikg opened 4 months ago

advikg commented 4 months ago

Overall Score: image

Question 3: image I didn't read the procedure fully, I've seen these types of algorithms before and I assumed it was a normal working replacement algorithm. In hindsight, it's very obvious that I was wrong as first <-- second should've come before second <-- temp. The correct answer is A - second and first are both 100 since second is set to 100 through the first two assignments, then first is set to second, becoming 100 itself.

Question 36: image Simple mistake due to somewhat rushing through the quiz, thought the question said MOST, not LEAST. Correct answer is D becausse information on the Internet is not usually collected through authentication measures, usually data collection by social media and advertising companies, bots on social media, or people seeking to gain personally identifiable information(PII) to do illegal activites. All this data colllection is redistributed throughout the Internet, ending up on countless numbers of devices(mainly servers).