advikg / student

MIT License
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Student Blog Site

Welcome to my personal blogging site! My name is Advik Garg and I am a Sophomore at Del Norte HS.

Courses and Pathway

The focus of the Del Norte Computer Science three-year pathway is Full Stack Web Development. This focus provides a variety of technologies and exposures. The intention of the pathway is breadth and exposure.

Resources and Instruction

GitHub Pages

All GitHub Pages websites are managed on GitHub infrastructure. GitHub uses Jekyll to tranform your content into static websites and blogs. Each time we change files in GitHub it initiates a GitHub Action that rebuilds and publishes the site with Jekyll.

WSL(Windows) and/or Ubuntu installation requirements

MacOs installation requirements

# MacOS setup
mkdir mkdir vscode
git clone
# run script, path vscode/student are baked in script
#=== !!!Start a new Terminal!!! ===
#=== Continue to next section ===

Run Server On Local Machine: